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Cath01's picture

I live with my son who is 7, I have separated from my ex over 4 years ago.

I am in love with a man and he 'stays' with me (his words) most nights.. however he still continues to spend time at the ex's house (which is still in his name and he still pays half the mortgage) even though she and their 2 kids (and her mother) live there...

He won't sell the house, he also has a business with the ex (even though she does no work for the business).

He tells me he loves me and wants to be with me and when we are together it is fantastic, I just have difficulty in the things that he does for the ex... whenever she says anything (or gets her boys to ask!) he jumps ... I know she wants him back, he has gone back before but has said he will never go back to her again.. My mother is also a problem and doens't want to meet my man as I seem to always pick 'duds'!!

This also is making things difficult and my man is using this as the excuse as to why he doesn't want to live with me permanently. I am so confused as I love him so much and it breaks my heart... but typing this up in black and white makes me feel that I know what I have to do... but I don't want to...

He says that I should understand that he was with his wife for 20 years and that he cannot just let go and that he is being nice and helping out... I don't know what to do.. he is a really nice guy but I am feeling left out and not sure whether I am 'having a tantrum' and being immature...

any advice would be appreciated... Smile


habsle's picture

You are not having a tantrum. You have said it yourself that you know what you have to do but you don't want to. Hunny, I'm not one to say this ( I've been through stuff too) but think really hard about how much happy you have. If you want out now is the best time to do it, not later.

twopines's picture

>>>He says that I should understand that he was with his wife for 20 years and that he cannot just let go and that he is being nice and helping out...<<<

My DH was married to his ex for over 20 years, and had no problem making a clean break when their marriage ended. There was no hanging on, no spending time at her house, no paying the mortgage on where she and her mommy lived, no jumping, no going back for seconds. Just...nothing.

If you don't want to break up with him, be prepared for her to come first and to not truly have him in your life as a partner.

Cath01's picture

His wife does know about me and is using every trick in the book to break up our relationship - using the kids to ask for favors etc... saying the kids need him and can he come back and try again? - he has been back already... and it didn't work.. he just can't see what she is doing.. for some reason she is so 'wonderful' ... and when I say anything against her he gets so upset...

thanks for your frankness..

I just don't understand... I hope I have the strength to do what I know I have to ..

alwayscivil's picture

I don't understand this post. You are having an affair ( which is wrong) and she is fighting for her marriage ( which is right). You are not the victim. She is. Get off you moral high horse.

Cath01's picture

I am not having an affair... he has left her... but he continues to help out at the house and do things for her... and pay for her... I don't mind that he contributes to the children and sees the kids but staying at her house while she is away to look after the dog and her mother..!! She has thought this up to keep him away from me... I always encourage him to do more with his kids... but I think once you have separated for over 2 years then it's time to cut the ties...

Disneyfan's picture

He's not a nice guy. He's taking advantage of you. You and his ex are allowing him the pleasure of sleeping with 2 women without needing to hide and lie.

Cath01's picture

He is not sleeping with her... she doesn't like sex and that is one of the reasons why their marriage failed... he was lucky to get it on his birthday..

Although apparently now she does like it!! funny how things change when we don't have what we want..

alwayscivil's picture

If there is no divorce decree, it is not over. Have you even seen a draft of the judgment?

z3girl's picture

Is he divorced yet? If not, has he talked about actually going through the divorce? If not, it really doesn't look like things will change. If you don't like where things are at now, then it most likely won't change anytime soon.

My DH left his ex-wife for his now ex-girlfriend. They "dated" for a year while he was still married and living with his ex-wife. He slept in the guestroom when he was home, but stayed at the girlfriend's many nights too. I never would have tolerated that situation, but the girlfriend was ok with it. Everybody is different. After that first year, the girlfriend decided to buy a house, and that's when DH moved in with her, and BM filed for divorce.

I personally am glad I met DH when he was living alone and not attached to anyone in any way. I get the feeling that many men will not go through with divorces if the women in their lives let them get away with it all.

sasha101's picture

This man cannot let go of his wife and you will always play second fiddle to her. Spending time with his kids does NOT mean he needs to be emotionally attached to his wife, and it sounds like he is using that as an excuse to hang onto her. So what if they were together for 20 years? Lots of people walk away from long relationships/marriages (including myself) and are quite capable of forming new relationships while maintaining a relationship with their kids. You deserve a man who can commit to you 100% and he never will, and as someone else said he's having his cake and eating it. You're providing somewhere for him to "stay", sex and all the rest of the perks he gets at your place but he knows he can run back to her whenever he wants. Maybe they are still sleeping together, maybe they're not but whether he's having a physical relationship with her or not he will never be fully "yours". You don't want to waste your life hanging around waiting for him, you deserve better than that. It will be hard but you know what you need to do, and then hopefully you'll find a nice guy who makes you his number one.
Good luck