Don't kill 'em with kindness. Kill 'em with NEUTRALITY- advice for dealing with crazy BMs
So, my last blog entry about the BM and the whole facebook drama thing blah blah blah....this is a continuation of it....
I tried giving the bm a chance (even though deep down, my gut told me DON'T TRUST HER). Of course, I was right about that.
When her little facebook game started, she would post things that were clearly directed towards me. When I saw that, I was disgusted! She acted like she just wanted to be friends, and get to know me beause I would be in her daughter's life...and I have nothing to hide.
I admit it, I did feed into her drama, indirectly. But that was only with ONE post- my note on psychological projection. I hoped she'd read it and maybe get a hold of herself. Of course that continued on with her dramatic statuses. I laughed, because I didn't have to do anything to make her look stupid...she did that all on her own! (I never posted any statuses about her. In fact, to give her nothing to work with, I didn't post much at all)
She tries to give my bf shit about a conversation they had right before the delete. In my previous entry, it was about how she wouldn't let us take SD to Disney. She proceeds to say "well at least I don't post things on FB to try to make her jealous". I deleted her because of this comment. I NEVER posted anything to make he jealous! I posted something on valentine's Day, but that was honest and real. It wasn't for her. I've posted several things about my bf before I was ever firneds with her- I wasn't doing anything for her!
So I'm tired of this crap, and delete her. Then she lashed out on my bf, saying he should keep convos between them two. (I guess she went to check on my profile, and saw I deleted her) So, get this- she tries getting her mom to add me as a friend!! HA! DO you honestly think I am that stupid!!!
GETTING TO MY POINT- The title of this blog entry....
For all of you SM's out there who have to deal with crazy BMs
Don't kill 'em with kindness, Kill 'em with NEUTRALITY.
That's right. Be neutral.
If you're too kind, they know the kindness is fake, and they are getting to you.
If you react snotty and angry, they know they are getting to you because you're showing it!
But, if you are NEUTRAL...if you don't react, show any emotions around them, and most of all, treat them life a total stranger when you're around them, act like you don't even know them...this will work the best.
They will hate you even more for it.
And that's satisfactory to me.
I let the bm hate hate hate on me, and she is only hurting herself. Good for her. Punishment for being such a bitch. I don't have to act negative or say negative things. She's radiating hatred and negativity herself.
You wanna be a bitch, you deserve to be miserable.
And I don't have to do a damn thing, but be myself!
- cc01's blog
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yep, this is what i do.
yep, this is what i do. Ignoring her pisses her off the most
To be indifferent means that
To be indifferent means that you DON'T care.
If you're overly nice, then that makes the BM more angry and out to destroy you.
If you retaliate on her hating, you've made her a martyr with a cause.
I love love love this post!
I love love love this post! I want to do this! i fear ignoring the BM will have the SC start resentment against me?
Well, if she talks to you,
Well, if she talks to you, don't outright ignore her! lol I meant if you are int he same room, just act like she's a stranger. If she talks to you, keep it cool, calm and short. I don't think the SC will notice anything.
This is good advice. It's the
This is good advice. It's the only way. My BF S13 said that it is ackward when the 2 of us are in the same room. I never really understood because I've always been nice. Not overly chatty or BFF's but never nasty. Never in front of the children. Honestly I believe she runs her mouth to the children about me. This is why he feels ackward. She has of course expressed her dislike for me to them. WHATEVER!! So...indifferent I will continue to be.