Having no say so
This is a long story but basicly my 15yr old step daughter and her dad got into an altercation and cyfd got involved now that the investingation is over she stated that I am the problem and she does not want to be there, so cyfd stated to my husband that Since I am just the step mother I have no say so in Disciple or mahking any decisions that have to do with her. I need advice IDK how to handle this situation and now i feel as if I have to walk around on Egg Shells
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You are not her biological
You are not her biological parent. Your DH should be parenting his kid.
HOWEVER.. you are also HIS partner and joint head of household.. so you do get a say in how the household is run and boundaries and standards of behavior that are expected of its residents (ie SD).
Now.. that doesn't mean you are the enforcer.. but you do have a say.. you just should not be the one driving the parenting bus.
Of course, it goes without saying that if you don't have the power to manage his daughter.. she should not be there without his presence as you can't discipline... so he will have to figure that nut out.
Yes you are right Defently will have to be making some changes thank you for the advice
Cyfd have no say in disipline
Cyfd have no say in disipline or decisions that have to do with her either, unless there is evidence of abuse/neglect. Your husband is welcome to talk with you about issues and work with you to find rules and consequenes that work for your home. With a 15 year old that does not like or respect you it is probably best if her dad does most of the disciplining and makes a show that he has final say even if he consults with you over these issues.
Well its because she told cyfd that she doesent want me disipling her which your right is probaly best he does it
In general, stepparents
In general, stepparents shouldn't discipline their kids, the bio parents should, IMO. He needs to step up and parent his kid.
Fuck your SD and her
Fuck your SD and her manipulative demands. Im so sick of the skids(mine and many others) who are products of divorce and play this game. My sd17 is mad at her mother for abandoning the 4 of them years ago and she takes it out on DH and now that I live here for the past year and half she also takes it out on me. Mommy dearest (BM) drove off in a moving van with her new boyfriend and left her 4 children behind and all is forgiven but if I breath too loud she "cant live with me".
your story is alot like mine her mother as well left her and seems I have been paying for it ever since
It's a cop out
Your sd got her nose out of joint. Because she doesnt like your form of discipline. But the thing is when your a responsible adult and you see a kid doing something wrong no matter who's kid it is you need to nip it in the butt. Maybe give the final discipline action over to the bio parent. But sometimes you cant just stand there just go do as you please because im not your mum. Because if something goes wrong and she in your care. Who gonna be at fault?? YOU
It a Cop Out
SOOOOOO True, I didnt even think of it that way
Spoiled, Enabled by DH
Touchy area? Sure. However, I would seek a lawyer as an agency should have no business saying something like this. Furthermore, I'm in total agreement with the child centric mess this country has become. Have a come to Jesus with DH and attempt to get the two of you onto the same page. If he refuses and backs the insane demands of a Child, then leave him until he will come around
If you can not discipline
Then you can not be alone wtth SD. DH must always be there. You must set up house rules and SO must inforce the rules. Or it's time to leave. You can not live in a home where SD has control of
Got 100% Responsibility and 0% Authority over Someone Else's Kid
Two options:
1. Disengage completely (good) https://steptogether.org/help.html
2. Leave the situation completely (better)
Under those circumstances, I
Under those circumstances, I would tell her father that you can't be alone with her, so if he's not there, SD doesn't come over, and he is fully responsible for her. I would totally disengage, too. No rides, no doing her laundry, etc. She and her father can't have it both ways - you're either in or you're out where she's concerned. What is her custody schedule?
Also, you CAN have a say with what goes on in your home. If it concerns her it can just be decided/discussed with her father and he has to communicate your "mutual" decision. No government agency gets to tell you you have no say in your own home.
Under those circumstances
She lives with us her mother is not in her life
Then H was just looking
for a nanny with no parental authority. He'll need to hire a child minder.