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BM is some pissed today!

cfmommyof3's picture

So DH had court today. Originally it was over cs but thanks to the advice I got on here the lawyer filed for it to stay in our state so today was about weather it would stay here or be moved to her state and weather or not DH would have to pay back owed medical bills which was a friggin joke anyway since we have state insurance on SD. There are no copays. BM just refuses to change her pcp to a doc who takes it. Well DH didn't get to see her face when it was thrown out of court thanks backed traffic due to power lines down on the interstate but he heard about it when he got there. Since his lawyer was there they just went ahead and had the hearing and for once we won! When DH finally showed up the clerks filled him in and the gaurd was like yeah that lady was some mad when she stormed out of here today. Lol!!!! So then when DH drops SD off tonight he tries to communicate with her about SD being she was here for 2 and a half weeks and she flips him off and leaves......I laughed so hard when he told me. So tonight he's going to text her since she wouldn't look at him let alone talk to him....I bet its a shitty night at the BM household tonight!


cfmommyof3's picture

Yeah I wish. I'm sure we will see more court papers before long. She's not happy unless they have court procedings going on. However she won't get shit for cs through our state so that's huge for us. I'm so friggin happy and giddy right now! Lol.....he finally found like a dream job in our area makeing good money. And it would have been pointless with how much he would have been paying if it went to her state.

misSTEP's picture

That's what happened in our case. BM was litigation-hungry even if once in a while CS would go down. She still found every little thing possible to haul DH in...and then "oh yeah, BTW, also figure CS while your at it."

Then we once counter filed for Contempt for all the visitation that SD was missing. She got a Contempt of court fine for a measily $500 (which she never paid. DH just ended up withholding it from his half of the trumped up medical bills she constantly incurred). BUT...that was the last time we went back to court. After that, she was content with the every-3-years review from CSE.

Unfortunately, in our slap-the-BM-on-the-wrist state, she followed the CO for about three months and just went back to her old ways.

cfmommyof3's picture

In our state they don't automaticly review cs every 3 yrs. U have to file papers still so that's deff in our favor. And you can only refile every 3 yrs unless there is an extreme change of circumstance. I'm sure she will refile in our state but she won't get much if anything at all. Plus we can counter for cs during the summer. That would really light her ass

cfmommyof3's picture

Omg. Are u serious? Sorry working off tablet right now and new to it. You are the reason we can still afford our rent. You have no idea how much u helpped me for yrs down the road.....hank u so much! I take any advice u have for me and treat it like gold..