Autism 101
Have been working with my son, and Early Intervention , and we are moving closer to getting a diagnosis. We are now in a play/parent group for kids with these types of disorders. My son enjoys playing, and I like talking to other parents about what we are all going thru-.I read everything I can now, and even took a course online. Just passed it. I got the call today from the doctor who will do the testing, and our first appointment is on thursday. It will be broken up into 3 seprate appointments, but should not take more than 2 months to fully complete, maybe less. I'm ready for anything. Aside from my son not being able to speak....there is nothing in this world I would change about him. He is amazing to me. Saying alot of prayers to god right now....not to "fix" him, but for us to move ahead, and keep making progress.
- Chel Bell's blog
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I will keep him in my
I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers that he starts speaking soon, and that all your tests turn out good!!
ive said it before...u are an amazing woman and mother and that will make a world of difference for him and his progress...u, dh and that adorable boy are in my prayers, always...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
mom's of children with special needs
are in a class by ourselves. (my 18-yr-old son has Down Syndrome).
We are stronger than strong. We have compassion and patience beyond imagine. We wake up every day with a renewed energy, facing uncertainties that mom's of "typical" kids can't even imagine.
We are special in our own right!
Since my son has been in early intervention since birth, I have made some wonderful, lifelong friends who are "special" moms as well. These women are just phenomenal and a constant inspiration to me every day.
My advice- get close to these women. They will be your sounding board, your resouce, and your lifeline when you need it.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
Interesting article on autism insurance coverage
Chel, Not sure if you are aware or if it may even be of concern to you, but here is a link to an article that you may find interesting. If this doesn't open, just copy and paste the link into your web browser. Good luck.
Step Mother's Motto this week is:
You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.
Chel, I think that I've told you already..
My sister's son, has autism. He is now in his Junior year of High School, he thrives in his academic classes and also has been in 5 or 6 high school plays. Socially, he struggles because other kids are just plain mean, but he overcomes these challenges.
My sister is probably the strongest person I know. She accepts and takes life as it comes and makes the best out of every challenge even when I would come unglued. She is an inspiration to me and I can only hope to be a good mother that she is. Truely, it is those who have special needs children who really stands out and sets the bar so high.
Your attitude is truely commendable, keep sharing with us, it just makes us better.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!