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Updates on stuff.....

Chel Bell's picture

As you all know, the past few days, I'v had alot going on, and now there is a much welcomed lull. First off, my mom did well in court (thanks to everyone for your support, kind words and insight), I know I have blogged this one to death, but I was glad that my mom held herself together while having to be in a court room with my father. My mom's lawyer, however, is turning out to be quite the "bull dog", as she says. He had so much evidence, that it was enough for the judge to bring this to trial. My father, at the last minute, tried to recant, and told my mom's lawyer that he wants to accept my mom's original "deal" with him, and settle. My mom's lawyer said, no way. He told him, you have fought her on this, and you brought us here in court today to try to get out of it, there is no way this is not going to trial!! So, they will be back in court sometime in April. My mom's lawyer wants to talk to me a little, as I have seen my dad (ambushed him at work) a few times this last year, and know whats going on with him. I'm going to be careful, give him the facts that I know, but otherwise not be to much more involved This has to do with my mom and my father, not me and my father. Also, my son went for testing yesterday. It took 2 hours, and they did alot of stuff with him. My DH and I got to watch from another room, my son could not see us. He did good with the activities, but there were quite a bit of things that he could not / did not know what to do. It was a little difficult to watch, but it's not anything I don't already know, and I can handle it. I accepted what he has a long time ago, and I love him so much. The great thing, is some of the things that he does know/can do, are amazing. He really is smart, and he has such a great additude. I would not trade that for anything. We will get the final results of his testing on March 9th, and keep the ball rolling with his care, and whatever new things they recommend that he needs. Because we caught this so young, his outlook for the future is very good. I'll keep you all posted on what happens. My MIL wrote me an e-mail yesterday, and I was surprised that she now sounds like she wants to help us with the skids, for a bit there I did not think she wanted to get in to deep with this, but she had a different tone today. She is going to call me this week end to talk. Fingers are crossed still on this "item". LOL Well, thanks again to all who have listened to my rambling posts, the sand has finally run out of the hour glass (for now), and I'm looking forward to my "check-up from the neck up" with my counselor today, and then a much needed~ zen~ break from all this.


sweetthing's picture

well for your mom and also your sons eval. My little guy is 20 months & being I am older I worried a lot about downs & autism when I was pregnant. I have cousins on both sides who has autistic children. The one on my dad's side lets his run like wild animals the other on my moms side seems to work very hard with her son.

I thank God every day that my son is healthy. My biggest issue is that he doesn't understand that he is a toddler not 8 & 11 like his big brothers. He is going to give me a lot of gray hairs withsome of the things he thinks he can do.

I have heard a lot on the glutten free diet that works. On of the food scientists where I work has Cieliacs disease & is glutten free. He used to work at General Mills & has developed a lot of recipies. I know not to long ago he was working on some cookie reciepe at work. I could ask him about it if you are interested.

Chel Bell's picture

thank you, that would be great if you could ask him for that recipie for me. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch

StepG's picture

that makes me so happy that his autism was caught early and is future has good outlook. I have nephew diagnosed at about 2 with autism and his mom does bare minimum in the way of helping him learn and progress. Anyway I am really happy about your son and your positive attitude! Keep it up!

bellacita's picture

im sure watching the baby was difficult, but like u said, u know what he can and cannot do and have accepted it and are moving forward w getting him the help he needs. u are a great mom and i just know that in no time, he will b amazing u w things u never dreamed he'd b able to do! u hug that little cutie for me!

glad to hear good news on the MIL/skids sure she will help u bc she knows how badly u and DH need to see them and vice versa. as for ur mom and dad, try to stya as neutral as possible, just for ur own piece of mind.

hugs girl!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Sita Tara's picture

The way you trudge through and process everything. My nephew has autism, likely from a rare genetic problem that made him not able to digest certain sugars when he was born. That part resolved by age one for him but there were many developmental delays from potentially damaging levels of bilirubin those first months. We had three babies in the family that year-BD 3, Nephew almost 3, and Niece 2 1/2. And both BD 3 and Niece 2 1/2 flew by nephew developmentally. When BD did it my niece rationalized she was 3 mos older than Nephew. But when Niece 2 1/2 did it and was 3 mos younger than Newphew, my niece had to finally accept she needed to get him evaluated. Now he attends an early intervention program a few days a week right now and has started saying some words (he'll be 3 this month.) He's doing much better at family gatherings at not getting overstimulated/ breaking down. Now he is playing with the other kids some. BD LOVES him, and remembers his favorite toys, and always runs to grab them if they aren't out for him when he comes.

Good luck with everything Chel. I haven't read all the court stuff with your parents so I'll go back the next few days and catch up.

"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." ~Geoffrey F. Abert