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Pear juice and dog collars and fifteen year old SDs

ChiefGrownup's picture

DH and I on the couch, 2 skids standing in the living room all watching the same movie. SD15 goes out to the kitchen, comes back eating a very ripe pear. It's juicy. Know how I know it's juicy? Cuz every so often she flicks pear juice off her fingers and on to the carpet.

This is DH's house, but it's driving me up a wall. DH can see her as well as I can. He just laughs at the movie. I'm stewing. Waiting for him to notice and say something. Does it really have to be me? every. single. time?!

Finally I can't take it, I tell her to go get a paper towel. Thank heaven, she actually complied without any (outward) defiance.

Later I was able to tell DH about the juice flicking onto the carpet.

Oh, he's dismayed, "right onto the carpet? I expect better from my children!"

Really?!!! Where is the evidence of that? Where is the evidence your kids (read: daughter) know you 'expect better' from them?

I have thought about buying a new house since I really hate this one. But I think about that girl and I can't stand the thought of letting her live in a house I've actually paid for. Thinking maybe I'll buy that house the minute she turns 18. Perfect way to shed her, 3 of us will move to my shiny new house, 1 will move to anywhere but with us.

Also, wanted to ask STalkers. SD15 got her bf a dog collar for Christmas. As in went to PetSmart and bought a dog collar off the doggy aisle. The boy loves it. Wears it. Wrote her the most extreme love note calling it a "beautiful symbol of my love for you." The note (2 pages) had a lot of extreme declarations in it. Does anybody know anything about dog collars and teens? Is this unique to these 2 or is there some trend going on? Her dad and I are freaked out.


ChiefGrownup's picture

So far I am willing to believe she really doesn't know the context that adults think of. She is very immature in many ways and I still believe this is one of them. We could be wrong, but she wasn't secretive about it in anyway and I just don't see her knowing much about that.

It is the boy who wears it, by the way. He got her a nice necklace that he partially made himself. It's a perfectly normal necklace.

ChiefGrownup's picture

No, no goth or punk stuff for either one of them. No sign of it in our home. BF looks a bit like a teenage Eddie Haskell, very clean cut and polite. Average normal non descript clothes. Neither one of them is in to music. They like computers and video games.