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Difficult Step Daughter

chrissybird1221's picture

I am new to this sight but I am looking for help. My step daughter is having alot of issues with lying. We have tried everything. Taking priveleges, time outs, electronics, playdates, sentences etc.... she continues to lie, hide things, and talk back. More with me then my husband. She is honest with him and tells him everything but always freaks on me.....what can i do? i cant live this way anymore, but im so in love with my husband


Shorti90's picture

You might wanna talk to your husband. Make sure he understands he is responsible for putting his foot down and supporting your role. My SD is the same way. She has a behavioral chart that keeps her accountable. I stopped taling it personally she wants to freak out then stay calm, and walk away tell her she can stay in her room until she decides to tell you the truth and stop having a meltdown. But one thing that might take time is learning her behaviors when she lies. Does she fidgit? Look anywhere but you? Learning these behaviors will help you be able to call her out on misconduct. But remember she is the responsibility of her parents, taking on full parental responsibility can cause you to have more stress and possible health issues if she's regularly acts negativly. I know I'm living it. Good luck and I'm here if you need to talk pm me!

Left out mama's picture

My cousin used to lie all the time as a kid. His mother (my aunt) told him that every time he lied his ears turned beat red. This wasnt true, but from then on every time he lied he put his hands over his ears. ROFL ended up being a dead giveaway.

CLove's picture

You state that the bio mother is out of the picture and you have her full time. She is acting out, more than likely, because of this.

You can try sending her to therapy, so she can talk out her feelings. Her lies and stealing and disrespect will only get worse if her behavior goes unchecked.

You must be on the same page as your DH, he must ALWAYS support you, and be consistent.

I had SD now 20, who did this. I came into her life when she was 15, and her lies started small, and now she accuses people of things they never did. She was caught stealing at 17, and that came with a fine of $250, that my DH paid for her. Just recently she stole checks from her mother (and who else?) and cashed them against multiple bank accounts, including a child account in my husbands name.

No one ever gave her consequences. Shes living with her mother, Toxic Troll and not working, no college, and no drivers license.

So - hopefully its not too late for your SD!