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School's out - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Cindy's picture

Hey everyone - sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks - I've been getting some work done around my house and of course the kids are no longer in school and I feel like tearing my hair out. Is it just me or does anyone else feel the same? Since the sk's have gotten out of school I feel like I'm going slowly insane, I have no quiet down time, no tidy house, multiple piles of laundry, 2 kids with ADHD constantly harassing me to entertain them - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Last summer we sent them to camp Monday to Friday but it was grossly overpriced and we decided this year to only send them 2 days a week - one of our days and one of biomom's days (we pay for both although my SD is almost 14 and really we're not obliged to pay for her and I really just wish we could send them on our 2 days and let biomom do her own thing on her 2 days). Anyway every day I come home from the gym around 10.30 to party time, cereal all over the place, toys everywhere, never a phone in it's holder, music blasting and the kids basically going nuts. When I arrive it's "oh, the entertainment is here and they then continue to torment me to do stuff with them - I really don't mind doing stuff with them but I also need a couple of house down time a day. I'm very frustrated because from they get up until they go to bed I spend the day telling them to pick up after themselves, feeding them, cleaning up after them and amusing them. When they do go to camp I have to run all my errands that day so no time for me. Maybe I'm being selfish but I feel like today just couldn't come quick enough - we have a break for 5 days and I'm just blissfully ecstatic to have my own space back again although I'll most probably spend the entire 5 days cleaning up after them to have them come back and start all over again. Some days I feel this isn't what I signed up for, but then I look at my husband and think - what we have, he and I, is worth sharing custody of his kids. It's getting better but 2 kids with ADHD can just be overwhelming and I long for September when they return to school so I can get my life back to how I want it again.


Lori Fisher's picture


I go to Starbucks and just sit there. Sometimes I scrounge a few sections of the paper and read through them, or do the crosswords. I often can't afford to buy anything at Starbucks prices, so I just sit there for a while. There's no peace anywhere in my house; it doesn't work to hide away in the bathroom or lock my bedroom door: there's still too much noise and too many people wanting my attention. I have a Starbucks about six blocks away and I go there and spend an hour or so just sitting in there. It's quiet.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

So is that what kids with ADHD do? They can't entertain themselves. My stepson is the same way. He is on medication for ADHD. He is almost eleven and he always wants me to do stuff with him if his friend isn't available. I have work to get done too and can't be entertaining him all day. We just got back from summer library and I have given him orders to straighten up his room. I am quite sure that he is side tracked already and I will have to go redirect him.

All he really wants to do is play video games and watch t.v. but we are trying to limit it. Of course that makes it more difficult on me!

I think I will send him out to ride his bike next. See what I mean though? I have to tell him what to do next all of the time.


happy mom's picture

Have rules and chores set for them. Have them clean up their own mess and have consequences if not.

Cindy's picture

I do set them chores and I do give them stuff to do and they do suffer consequences but it seems with ADHD, as Dawn has said, they start into it and 2 minutes later they're on to the next thing, you have to be pretty darn consistent with these kids and sometimes I just can't be bothered with it because I either absolutely have to get some stuff done of my own or I'm just mentally drained. On top of that my husband blames the ADHD for all bad behaviour when clearly this cannot be the case because both kids are medicated so this is supposed to correct the ADHD somewhat. When these kids are at my house I have to focus all my energy on them 100% whether it be giving them quality time as a stepmom or teaching them to be responsible with chores etc. At least when they're at school my day is somewhat better because I have until 3.30 to myself - ohhhh, roll on September. I currently have my SD13 doing her own laundry and of course it's killing me because so far she's ruined a full load of lights by putting in a new pair of jeans with them, she then stopped doing full loads and now it's "let's wash an outfit one at a time the night before the day I want to wear it" or let's put too much soap in and have the machine rinse for 2 hours longer, or let's leave my washed wet clothes in the machine while I'm at my mom's so they're all nice and mildewy when I return. My SS9 on the otherhand has fewer chores but still has some but his latest deal was to throw a whopper of a strop last night because he fell over my dog's treat on the floor and hurt his toe. He screams at the top of his voice that I love the dog more than I love him - this day stinks, this is the worst day, he hates this day, he hates everything and everyone. After a full day of chasing them round and then being hit with that even the best biomom in the world would be exhausted. Of course I sent him straight to bed and took his favourite toy off him for a week but it seems with ADHD consequences have little impact because they just move on to the next thing. Today he was obsessing over something else. I gladly packed them off to biomom, I think I've earned a well deserved break.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

That is so true with the consequence thing. We can take things away one at a time and he will just move on to the next thing. It is so frustrating. It is like they have a "I don't care what you take away" attitude!

Oh, and I have been accused of loving the dog more than stepson, too!!

You are so right about only being able to get things done during school! I find that to be the case too.


Sherrylyn's picture

So you've been accused of loving the dog more than your SS. Hmm, let's see unconditional love, loyalty, happy to be in your company to name a few usual traits. When was the last time your dog gave you consistantly bad attitude. That usually happens when the dog is close to the end of its road.

Cindy's picture

because I figured what was the point in getting myself upset, of course when I told my husband, he says to me - well he probably really hurt his toe and you know his medicine has worn off - it's like "hey, why do I even share this stuff with you" I love my hubby to pieces but I could gladly wring his neck in these situations. He's why we have the problem we have - it bugs me no end that the biodad's always seem to let the kids do whatever just to keep the kids happy and wanting to still come to your house, I've seen this over and over on this site in what we're all writing, I mean what is really so different - if the dad has custody the kid has to come just like if both parents were still together the kid would have to live at their house - since when do kids make the decisions - they should still have rules and discipline, I've never seen so many snotty and arrogant kids as I have recently, they think the world owes them a living, my SD13 is talking about what kind of new convertible car she'll be driving in a few years and my ding dong hubby is all about it, in my day I worked part-time and earned money for my first 8 year old car that was chocolate brown and very uncool but I didn't care - I had wheels and I was thankful, many kids didn't. And one thing you can be sure of - my SD will take it all for granted - anyway, no point dwelling on it - I do the best I can. I did get a compliment the other day on how positive an influence I have been on them from someone who hasn't seen them in a long time who couldn't believe how well behaved they were - that validated what I'm doing, the little things validate all of what each and every one of us is trying to do, we can only do our best with what we've got. I'm finally realising this and enjoying my family a lot more because of it.

daffylin's picture

Sd (17 next month) needs in excess of 200$ for a school related trip. Do you think she has lifted one finger to earn a penny? NOPE. Offers of paying for help with chores around the house are flatly refused. She's waiting for it to be given to her. And guess what? It will be. She's pouting around terribly~ saying that biomom is on her case to come home with this extra money. Deal is this.... it's right on cue. Toward the end of her summer visit the drama begins and she gets so upset from the badgering she gets from biomom, hubby or in laws will feel bad and give her the money so she can enjoy her visit and not have to worry. GIVE ME A BREAK! There's an established pattern here.

I'm worn out with the whole mess.