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The Long Con aka untangling another sort of messy yarn ball

CLove's picture

Im reading a book called "The Confidence Game, why we fall for it...every time". Its an interest of mine, as I find it fascinating the stories of con artists such as Anna Delvey/Sorokin and others. Ive been taken in at least once by internet scammer, and have fended off more than 100 plus over the years. Ive not lost much of anything, its the sting of my own stupidity.

The short con isnt as interesting as the long con. You know those movies/series that hook you and then in the last 5 minutes reveal the con behind the stories that had unfolded previously with all the shocking revelations and mysterious happenings. 

Ok, so the train of thought I am following is this: Feral Forger SD24, who has been a horrible individual for so many years to myself, SD17 powersulk, husband and Toxic Troll BM, who has been no contact with the family on husbands side, she is suddenly all about "the family". Im also on the Husband Family Text thread. She has been going to each and every gathering since 2022 October wedding. Each time someone texts on the HFTT - she will "love" it and/or respond. With enthusiasm. Saying she will bring this or that, just all fabrications. 

I see her aggressively "pursuing" various family members and their spouses. The younger ones, in her general age bracket. The ones her age, she sticks to like glue and they do the same to her. SD17 powersulk has been trying to break into these groups for a few years now, and theres been not much for her there, so she checks out and has stopped trying. Ive stopped trying and have walked away, especially when they immediately ask us 'so wheres feral forger' when she was no contact with the family for long (4 plus years?) Husbands family is large and they are all just about themsleves, not caring much about the spouses. Its comforting they despise Toxic Troll, BM, but thats the extent of it.

My summation points are that I am thinking a few things:

1. Whats Feral Forgers goal? What changed? Has she matured at all? Does she have ulterior motives and sees the Family as an untapped resource to use?

2. For as long as I have known her, she will take pretty much anything and spin a negative and false narrative. Like a consumate con artist she will use drama and emotion and "I need a ride right now! I need to move right now! I got jumped and attacked I need money right now! My mother beat me up I need to have my old room back right now!" pushing any and all emotional triggers that are available to her. This has worked, absolutely, with her mother and her father (to an extent) and her friends. 

3. Now as to her plethora of false narratives. They run the gamut from accusing me of abusing her (yelling at her through her bedroom door) accusing her father of abusing her (getting mad, and yelling) her mother (who did choke and body slam her, but according to powersulk that was carefully planned as a manipulation tool for future usage) her sister (who sprained her thumb with a shoe), her uncle (sexual harrasment) her auntie (theft from estate). Not to forget the accusation that I have taken her dadee away from her, since we met.

I am certain that I am not the only one who has heard of these. However, no one has brought these up for me to respond with the truth. And when Powersulk tried to do battle with the lies and false narratives, the cousins that are sisters banded together with Feral Forger against her, at least thats my impression from what powersulk related. I keep hearing from couch surfing niece that the family "knows how she is and knows the truth of things" but I have my doubts.

Thus I arm myself with the Truth, ready to fight a battle of the long con. Thanks for letting me untangle that ball of ugly messed up yarn.


CLove's picture

Absolutely. Ive gotten some weird attitudes.

Rags's picture

To destroy the con artist .. bare their ass publically and repeatedly. When she arrives at the next DH family event, ask here were the the fabrication she commited to providing is.  In front of everyone.  

"FF, I am looking foward to the (fabrication item here). I am so excited.  Where is it?. When can we all try it?  Hmmmmmm?"  Confidently presented in front of everyone.

Be direct but be measured and do not let her pull her shit uncounted. My guess is... she is bucking for inherritance, or.... bucking to bilk the extended family our of something she wants or thinks she can put over on them. Or it may be as simple as building connections so she has a series of couches to surf as her serial homelessness continues. Of, she needs the family Uber/Lyft network to schlep her around, or, or, or, or, or.

Not that we had this level of manipulative toxicity to deal with, but.... we made sure that the SpermClan crap could not be perpetrated without being exposed and brought into the open as broadly and publically as we could. They hated that.  But, that model protected our marriage and SS from their crap.   Rather than allowing SpermGrandHag to maintain the facade of the family of quality, the arrest records of the Spermidiot, marital daliances of SpermGrandPa, Spermidiot's secret marriage and divorce from a 16yo when he was 25 to avoid us esposing yet another serial rapist mollestation of a minor when we met them in court to defend SpermGrandHag's attempt to take custody of SS, etc, etc, etc... were made as public and highlighted as much we could make happen.  Even the Judges in SpermLand who she knew and tried to leverage to her advantage were given the truth and the facts.  That impacted her side business of cleaning law offices and vacations homes.  She and the spermclan retracted from much of  her public interface as we learned of and communicated the truth rather than allowing her to perpetrate her long con.

With her three youngest Spermidiot spawned GK's failing embarrassingly, she is apparently no longer active in her fringe Christian cult since they do not tolerate out of wedlock breeding (Spermidiot has 4 by 3 different baby mamas), child mollestation (Spermidiot is a serial statutory rapist), or sucially unacceptable actions in their church/cult members.  Spermidiot spawn #2 is on the dole, #3 is in prison, #4 is not far behind #3.

Though I spent the better part of 2.5 decades detesting the Hag, I do feel bad for her.  Her facade has crumbled and she is extremely isolated where she once was respected in the small town community, in her Church, and in the legal community as a capable office janitorial provider.  She was replaced at her work having to train her replacement before they released her.  Likely because of the several instances of the police or Sherrif going to her work to collect SS when she failed to put him on the plane per the visitation schedule.

She earned it, but... our prefernece would have always been for her to be reasonable. She chose differently. We did what we felt we had to do.

Protect yourself and protect your IL clan.  Even if they will not protect themselves.

IMHO of course.

You will prevail.  Your character, intellect, and honor makes that a near foregone conclusion.  Just be aware that even when you win, there will likely be regrets.  I have them.  

Though the life that our son has and that DW and I have together is something I am very proud of.

Take care of you.

CLove's picture

No one wins in the Dystopian Dysfunction of Feral Forgers World. I cannot protect the family, but I can protect us. I keep tabs on her with my shadow account. She does her tik toks, and her photo shoots with her gothy styles and piercings. If she so much as sais one thing about her dad or I or her sister in a negative way, I will definitely expose her. Im still untangling that ball. Of HOW to properly expose her, or if its even needed because she will do it to herself.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

To me, it sounds like the hot and cold, up and down behavior of a personality disordered person. From what i've read about FF, it doesn't sound like she has the mental capacity to pull an eleborate con or scheme. Who knows, maybe she's on some new med or drug and it has her manic. 

CLove's picture

She does like her meds.

MissK03's picture

People like FF, TT etc have no depth and are system abusers. Not even worth trying to figure out. 

CLove's picture

Im trying to redirect my efforts into more positive directions...

Harry's picture

When you have a bunch of dysfunctional people around you. It's tough to see normal.  FF life is dysfunctional, she has no friends. So instead of looking for boys Friday night. Like normal people. She is tied to T Troll with the world picking on her. In reality the world doesn't care about her . 

powersulk Is the same. A child in HS  should be in.a activity. Sports, club, groups.  You play sports so every day you hang out for 2 hours with a group.  Instead she sits home getting involved with tge t.troll  FF triangle    Unfortunately your DH married this woman so he had to be in this dysfunction.  He had also play in to it.

CLove's picture

We are doing much better, and redirecting ourselves currently.

His life before me, with her = major league dysfunction. Now = peace and prosperity


Rags's picture

That is because.... CLove.

You are what has provided him with preace and prosperity.

He won the DW lottery the second time he played.  I know that experience. A complete cat's-astrophe the first wife lottery ticket purchase.  

Unlike your DH, I did not pollute my gene pool with my toxic X.  We divorced 2.5yrs after we married.

The second time I played the wife lottery, I was scared shitless.  It was all I could do to follow through on my proposal. I had deciced not to when my dad called to discuss it after my brother told him I was considering remarrying.  I am so glad dad called.

Take care of you CLove.  Do not sacrifice yourself to your DH's baggage and do not tolerate him backsliding at all. Ever.

Enjoy your life.  A few more months and you are out of the TT payment plan and the three of them can rot, or succeed by their own choices and efforts.

Give rose

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

This is some scary stuff. After all these years, the ex is in touch with the family. The daughters are grown and can communicate by themselves so the long game is clear and evident, she wants to turn the family against you or at least get between you and them as "the spouse" if you were non existent

FF is a rat so she will try to weasel herself anywhere there are resources (food/shelter/money). Its only a matter of time before she loses a job or a place and texts one of them to ask if she can "move in" or "borrow"

BM2 also constantly talks to my husbands family and will try to get in good standing with them. At this time, they have more communication with her than me. They hated BM1 so 0 comm on that side. I have a good relationship with MIL who doesnt talk to any of them, however BIL and FIL talk to BM2 and BM1 and never talk to me.

I just dont rock the boat as I dont have any interest in being in their lives. I am ok with MIL and SIL. BM1 has slept with a couple of cousins on my husbands side so keep in mind your husbands ex might just be trying to sleep with his siblings/relatives (stay classy) and thats why she is so nice

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"BM2 also constantly talks to my husbands family and will try to get in good standing with them. At this time, they have more communication with her than me. They hated BM1 so 0 comm on that side."

That's the exact situation here.