Do you ever have one of those days?
This is not really a stepparent rant...
But do you ever have one of those days...or even weeks... where you wake up, unrested even though you sleep at least 6-7 hours, you get up, throw some clothes on, hair up, poor your coffee, and then everything just goes to sh** in T-10 seconds? Today was the day! I figured since I had such a decent day yesterday, that it would continue on throughout the rest of the week. I get up, drag a$$, try to get my one out of 3 dogs outside to his kennel to do his business, and he refused to move! I had to leave for work, so I was rushing. I tugged on his collar and he growled at me, I pushed him from behind to get him outside and he growled at me again.... So I said heck with it! Went out to the garage, just to find out that our snowplow guy either backed in or just plain hit my garage door and left a big dent in it and failed to mention it, back my truck up, go to close the garage door and it wouldn't close.... So i get out and kick the snow from around it, as I am kicking the snow, my dress boot breaks apart...... finally get the door to close, the temp was in the negatives, get to work with just about 10 minutes to spare, go into work, start answering my business emails and boom! My computer shuts off....come to find out, everytime a person uses the microwave or toaster which is just outide of my office, it trips a fuse!! Took over an hour for someone to come look. It's just been a day
Any one else having that today or this week?
- cmd88's blog
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Oh man
Just think today is half over right?. Maybe wednesday will be better, it has to be its hump day .
I often have those days weeks months and yes years. BUT here we are plowing through hoping for better.
My day ok no computer problemos today so thats a good thing in this office.
Hugs lady and blessings for better days
About half!
About half over with. I am done at 4:30 eastern time, so actually the majority of my day is over with since its already after 2 here. Just overall irritated ever since this morning and I ask my supervisor something and she goes, "I DON'T KNOW! Figure it out yourself because I'M irritated!".... yeah sure thing... *eyeroll*
I am glad that you're not having computer problems. I usually don't well... the past couple of weeks it seems like it will just shut off when people are using too much power in the other room. I am moving offices here soon, so it won't happen to me anymore, thank goodness!
Hugs back at you and I hope that the rest of your week treats you well :D
I need a vacation.
I need a vacation. For a month. Because I was ready to spike my coffee at 6:03am after reading two emails. Can't even write down all of the caca that has gone wrong today. I need to win the lottery because I bloody well cannot retire. *dash1*
Amen to that! And same about spiking the coffee, I have some baileys just waiting for me to use it either in my cocoa or coffee, *giggles* Yep, my day just keeps getting better and better, sarcastically speaking.
Ugh! Well I hope that the rest of your day goes by fast and you can get home and relax and have a drink or 10 to wind down! I have awful luck with any type of lottery, scratch off's, slot machines, so I just don't even try anymore LOL! 3 more days and then the weekend off to hopefully hot tub since I didn't get to last weekend. Was far too cold. Have the SD12 this weekend too.... poop
Bailey's and cocoa,
Bailey's and cocoa, definitely! Lulls you into a gentle state of calm...
I like Rumple Minze in my
I like Rumple Minze in my cocoa! *biggrin*
I have never heard
I have never heard of that! Sounds interesting!
Fixed. Darn autocorrect
Fixed. Darn autocorrect changed it. *crazy*
**Laughing** now I get it... haha
YES! I feel like those days
YES! I feel like those days are easy to spiral into weeks. I think I get into a funk much easier than I used to... I blame covid. The world just hasn't been right in too long.
I conquer
I agree with you 100% There's a lot of cloudiness coming from everywhere for the past 2 1/2 years... Though I still try to continue to "live" it's rough when you have to be a lot safer. Now, I am so used to being at home, that when an opportunity of fun arrises, I just don't want to go anywhere. I blame that on covid and the cold weather.
The days definitely do sprial into weeks and even months. There was a month where every day just felt like it was sucking the life out of me and it was ALWAYS something each day, couldn't go one day without bad news, something irritating happening, and so on and so forth.
I hope that everyones day, weeks, months, year gets better!
Mercury retrograde.
Mercury retrograde.
Ha! Very well could be.
I had one of those yesterday,
I had one of those yesterday, the daycare called and said that my youngest was exposed to covid last week and that I have to stay home with her and my toddler until next Monday. My husband is out of town all week for work so I really can't work from home with a baby and a toddler. I was so stressed out for the first half of the day trying to figure out how I'm going to manage this week on my own. I get two weeks of sick leave and I don't want to use half of it before January is even over
But then I logged on and realized that I don't actually have a ton of work to do this week I can do it after the kids go to sleep at night. And during the day I can just log on and make sure there's no urgent emails. I have just sort of embraced it for this week. It's not a vacation but it could be worse.
Oh man
Well that stinks that you had to use some of your vacation. When I was exposed back in September, we had something call covid pay, where we could quarintine up to 14 days and get paid without using our own time. Well... I was the last one to get it and now we have to use our own time, which I only have 4 hours left since I used my vacation days on the family trip that we went on. I have to wait until August to get more vacay unfortunately.
I hope that you have at least a relaxing few days off and that you all stay healthy!