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My step-daughter is a nightmare

sleepflower1980's picture

My 3 year old step-daughter is just awful she refuses to do anything she is asked and spends the weekends we have her screaming and trying to get her own way and have her daddy to herself, I am at my wits end she has upset my 2 eldest sons (12 and 8 years) to the point they spend all there time when she is at our house in their room or outside as they are fed up of her trying to trip em up, spitting at them saying horrid things and screaming in their faces, she tripped my oldest and he bruised all his forearm as he stopped himself falling through a glass door and she just laughs.The whole things is harder for them as 1 has Aspergers and the other has socialization problems and they have had to deal with the suicide of their dad on top of this.She hits me when i tell her off and likes tearing and breaking my baby sons books and toys, he is terrified of her and if she gets near him he screams uncontrollably in panic as she likes to growl in his face and shout, she has acted out with her doll what she would do to him punching and kicking and laughs as she does it we are so scared she would we dare not put her in the same bedroom so he sleeps in our room so she can have his room which messes his routine i just do not know what to do.


giveitago's picture

Get that child in therapy of some sort...NOW! Or you will end up like us, a juvenile delinquent in a secure detention center!
The longer she gets away with this sort of behavior the longer it will continue, and get worse!
Her dad really needs to be more aware too. What is her dad doing about the situation?
I'd be taking all the steps I could to keep the other kids safe, even if that means strapping the baby to me the entire time she's there! I'd sit the other two beside me with some activities.
This sounds a bit like a jealous rage she goes into...her daddy should be taking care of these issues really.
Please keep us posted...

sleepflower1980's picture

My husband is trying really hard but no matter what he does or says she still behaves this way, he will spend 1 on 1 time with her but she starts again as soon as he asks her to go play on her own for a while whilst he helps me or does something with one of the others. We are consistent as we have to be organised and have routines for the boys but she thinks time out is a joke and uses it as screaming time or she wets or soils herself because she knows her dad will have to clean her up and the fact she gets told off is of no concern to her she seems to like to control, we know at her mums she hears a lot of bad mouthing about us and she tells us her mum said she doesn't have to what we say which is no surprise as when we approached her to discuss the child she just laughed at it all and said "she is just little, your over reacting"(her brother attends the same school as my middle son and has been bullying him because of what he hears at home and he has threatened him, stolen money and broken his watch so both her kids behave badly).So now we are about to go to court to get the contact order changed so we have her every other weekend so all concerned get a break between visits we have the backing of my sons consultant as it is having a detrimental effect on them. We are the only people who ever tell her no so she is really used to stamping and screaming till she gets what she wants i just wish she would realize it will not work with us!