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I've seen some "old timers" around here lately...

Colorado Girl's picture

and I'm so glad to "see" them. Smile (Nymh, Evilsm and Laughter&Tears, good to see ya)

I am missing a few others that I thought would resurface at some point...

Anyone heard from Daddysgurl? Caitlin? Empty Risks? luvdagirl? and where did Kevin run off to?

Just curious...

Ps. Daddysgurl, if you ever stumble upon this....I miss my buddy. Sad


goingcrazy's picture

about Kevin. He is on my myspace page Colorado.... click on my page and you will see him. As for the others, not sure.

"I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on ebay."

Nymh's picture

Candace, Nise, and sosmomof6.

But I'm glad that my presence makes you happy Smile

It's good to be back.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Colorado Girl's picture

I am very glad you're back. Wink

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

klinder180's picture

I am still around and checking in again every now and then. Very, very, very busy at work and the relationship with the new gf is going great. She has a wonderful 12 year old son who is a great kid. I just realized a few weeks ago how much taller my daughter has gotten in the last year. Growing up to be a fine young lady -- my ex wife and I are getting along very well and cooperating as parents should.

Feel free to PM me or look me up on MySpace. Once I get a better handle on things work wise I might contribute more.


Colorado Girl's picture


I'm glad things are going so well.

I hope that all my cyber friends that are missing in action are doing just as well and THAT is their reasoning for not coming to a venting forum...I hope they have nothing left to vent about. Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

I have laughter&tears, goingcrazy and alot of others on my myspace, that is how I have been pretty much keeping up with everyone. How about Mocha? Anyone seen her around latley? Fortunatly things have cooled down somewhat for me Colorado, that is one reason I have been awol, so we can assume its the same for our other friends, besides the rigors of life in general. However, my presence back is a clear indication that things are heating up agian....yea!! Be seeing ya here, but keeping my eye on myspace as well. Hugs to all of you!

Caitlin's picture

I haven't been on here in months and I've just had a no good very bad horrible day so I just hopped on to see what my old Steptalk buds are up to and low and behold you just turned my frown upside down. Smile

BonusWife's picture

Oh my gosh...I felt the same way Caitlin.....I stopped getting on 1) cause hubby was furious..and I thought maybe I will pretend that it's not so bad(reading other's posts validates that YES it can suck sometimes being a second wife or step mom to kids who don't like you.) So, for the last year I've been off line. But it's so good to see familiar names and know we are still all out there keeping each other in our prayers...All you stepmoms are in mine for sure.