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13yr old SD

ConfusedStepParent's picture

I am new to this page and I am so happy I found it because do I need to vent!! I just found out today my SD has a tracker on her phone and can see every single move her mom makes. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why must she know every single move she makes? I need help understanding whether this is normal or not because at this point I just feel like I am crazy. 


The_Upgrade's picture

Need more data. It could be because of insecurity. Or she's getting up to something she doesn't want her mother to know about so easier to do it when mommy is out of the way. 

ConfusedStepParent's picture

Mom also has a tracker on SD phone. I'm not exactly sure if they are using the same app and I honestly dont care to ask mom why she is allowing SD13 to track her. Mom usually makes any decision she wants with the kids before running anything by me. I basically have no say. They're her kids and if its something she wants to do its going to be done. I never had any say when SD13 got a cellphone at 10yrs old. Never have a say when SD10 wants to wear nails. If mom approves then its perfectly fine my opinion is irrelevant. I have come to realize that it will always be 3vs1. We've been in our relationship for 6 almost 7yrs and I wish I would have found this page sooner. I'm having a hard time understanding a lot of things that have been happening and I dont know what yo do anynore. Most recent one being with this tracker. I just dont understand why mom feels its necessary to tell both SD13 AND SD10 every single move she/we make. When they ask me where I am going or where we are going I simply tell them to mind their business if I wanted them to know I would have told them.  I was corrected once and told by mom "dont do that It isnt that big of a deal they can know where I am going!" And I'm sorry but I disagree. I do not feel as though they should know our every single move. SD13 doesn't really go out much besides maybe a weekend at the grandparents or her best friends home. I found out she is able to track mom because mom ran to the store which would've took 10 minutes and SD13 asked if they left and I said yes! 2 minutes later she says moms coming up our hill. My response was why did you text her and she said she didn't and show me the tracker and I just shook my head because that is ridiculous in my opinion. Another issue I cant understand is when SD13 and mom are away from each other they constantly text each other but when I am not home I can barely even get a text back from mom. If we have a weekend without kids shouldn't she be happy she is getting a break from them even if for 2 days? Mom says while they're away for the weekend I dont call them or message them and I dont feel that I have to. She says im the one who pushes them off for the weekend because she doesnt care whether they stay home or not. I am 34 yr old lesbian and I dont have any kids of my own so yes I  am enjoying the fact that I finally have free time at home without responsibilities or kids up mom's ass constantly. Thats the only time we can have time to ourselves. Whenever the girls are around they're included in every single thing me and mom do or every conversation we have. Am I wrong for wanting a break? I have so much to vent but I just feel at this point I am crazy. I keep editing this message because I have so much to add and so many things that are bothering me. I really appreciate any response I get. Thank you for reading! 

The_Upgrade's picture

Yeah, after reading that it's not insecurity. It's emeshment. Read up on it. Not to fix it, just to educate yourself on why they do what they do. You'll go crazy if you try to understand it. Just breath and remember; not your circus, not your monkey.

ConfusedStepParent's picture

I've never heard of that before. Thank you! I read a little bit of it. I dont think its something thats ever going to change. I also should've mentioned both mom and SD13 are deaf. They both use sign language. I feel as though by them both being hearing impaired it brings them closer to each other that is perfectly fine. My issue is the boundaries. I do not feel there are any and if I were to address it then it just turns into a fight because automatically anything I address turns into I dont like her kids. Do ya really think I'd be around almost 7yrs if I didnt like the kids? Lets be realistic. They both speak and understand hearing people very well. SD wears hearing aids and mom doesn't at the moment. Whenever they conversate between each other they use sign language yet when anyone has a conversation with mom verbally SD13 is always included in the conversation. If they need to have a conversation privately I respect that by all means go for it. Why am I not allowed to have the same in return? I was raised if adults are conversating kids should remove themselves and mom disagrees. Its always "not that big of a deal." I can't wrap my head around it. 

Winterglow's picture

"not that big of a deal."

I disagree. By saying this she is telling you that she will continue to disregard your feelings, feeling that she doesn't consider important enough to take into consideration. You said yourself that nothing has changed for the better over the years so maybe it's time you packed your bags and left... for good.

Your SO is not helping her daughter. She is making her dependent upon herself. Why would she do that? She's only stopping her daughter from progressing, developing, like other kids of her age. IMO, she's making her daughter dependent to help her with her own insecurities... but she shouldn't be leaning on her child for help. Life as a teen, growing up, is hard enough even when you're not deaf - she is doing her daughter a huge disservice. 

I'm sorry I can't be more positive for you. I think that if you want change, you're going to have to seek it elsewhere. I fear that if you stay in this relationship, you will forever be on the outside, looking in.


ConfusedStepParent's picture

I also understand growing up and even now still mom had a hard time communicating because she is deaf so her parents and some family dont know much of any ASL. So I understand this would bring mom and SD closer. The fact that SD is tracking mom, always in ANY conversation mom has, up mom's ass 24/7 and the list can go on I just dont understand. Many times alot of the issues are addressed and it will change for a week or so and its back to the same. Many times I've packed my bags and said I was leaving and both SD13 & SD 10 didn't want me to leave. I dont know what to do. I feel as though it will always be 3vs1. 

The_Upgrade's picture

I understand why BM would be anxious about SD being at a disadvantage due to her deafness but it's become a snowball effect where little SD picked up on the anxiety as young children do and echoed it herself. Then BM sees she's anxious and becomes even more overprotective. They have no boundaries. They're not two separate people, they're a 2 for 1 unit.

Our BM over here was extremely anxious and heavily emeshed with SD. First and foremost everything she did was with the full belief that she was acting in SD's best interests. Nothing anyone said could convince her she was harming SD. But she couldn't separate herself from SD. It was always "we". "We're upset that you don't want to be a part of our family". "We are very upset you don't love us anymore". When in reality BM was the last person on earth DH wanted to see but he still loved SD very much.

thinkthrice's picture

Why? Two words:

