Pooper strikes again
SS13 was supposed to be leaving for the 5 day France school trip. That didn't happen. Why? Well because he decided just last week that pooping was, yet again, an option and got all backed up and then leaked. When he came down for dinner, he passed DH and DH could smell it. Asked SS13 have you messed yourself? No, he says, I just farted. No you didn't, go wash yourself and change your clothes.
What really really reallyyyyyyyy annoys me is 1) The LYING and 2) He still flipping SITS in his own feces!!! This child is not so daft that he doesn't know he just sh*t himself!! Beyond disgusting.
I did engage just long enough to ask DH "How long are you going to let your son sh*t himself all in the name of xbox?" I don't really want to know. I don't really care. DH is ever so slowwwwwwlllllyyyyyy parenting SS13 more and more but he let it go for a few weeks. And the pooping starts. Slow progress is better than none I guess *eye twitch*
SS13 will never live on his own but he's smart enough to be taught things. He has a second assessment on the 4th of August and I am writing a list of the things this child has done since he's been here. I won't be told again by some "expert" that there's nothing wrong with an almost 14 year old who marinates in his own waste!
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I honestly don't know how you
I honestly don't know how you do it ! That is so weird and definitely not "normal". Has your husband taken him to see anyone, even just a doctor?
We took him to be assessed by
We took him to be assessed by the useless and very over-populated specialist in our area. The only one in all of two areas - Kent and Essex. That is the US equivalent of counties but really really big ones. They have too many people to deal with so you wait over a year for an appointment just to be told there's nothing wrong because they don't have the capacity to deal with things properly. The joys of an overpopulated NHS in England.
They determined that SS13 has SLI - Selective Language Impairment. Which yes he does - he talks like he has a handful of marbles in his mouth and you can't understand what he's saying, even when he manages to finally get all the words out.
But there is so so so so much more wrong with him. We feel that he is on the autistic spectrum. High functioning, as in Aspergers or something similar. I'm not even sure if it's high functioning anymore though. The more puberty hits him, the worse he seems to get.
He has no common sense. Therefore, he cannot moderate anything for himself or do the things that should come natural to the average person. So it's like watching a 5 year old in a 13 year old's body. You have to tell him to eat, drink, change, wash, brush, shower, use shampoo and soap when showering (every time), pee, poo. Everything. You have to watch him so he doesn't put things in his mouth or chew on stuff. He's forever chewing on anything that will fit in his mouth. He just ruined another sport's bottle from chewing on the lid.
But he doesn't have the good sense to tell us the water bottle leaks. So he's been taking it to school and only filling it with water - that he probably doesn't even get to drink by lunch time. I discovered this morning this little problem when I went to take his lunch to school because he forgot it. I picked up the bag and it was soaked. Gawd knows how long this has been going on.
You have to remind him not to talk to strangers, how to tie his shoes or the garbage bag, do his laundry, pick up his room, don't chew on your shirt, check that his shoes aren't too small, check his underwear isn't too small, check that he's not just eating junk food. Check that he's not just drinking coke.
On and on and on and on. That is why I disengaged. Because I was driving myself crazy trying to teach SS13 how to be more of a functioning human and DH just wants him "to be happy." So now I watch my most kindest, sweet, intelligent, loving, gentle giant of a DH struggle to parent instead of pity. It's maddening.
I would agree with your
I would agree with your suspicions of ASD. Is he getting any help or treatment for this?
Not as of yet because he
Not as of yet because he doesn't have an official diagnosis that would make him privy to treatment. That is what we are hoping to get on the 4th of August...the much needed magical piece of paper that will allow him to finally get the help he needs.
I wish you luck with it. Do
I wish you luck with it. Do they have good treatment there for ASD from what you have heard? (I think you said you are England?)
Nothing quite like having a
Nothing quite like having a little pooper :sick:
Sally if were my child, I
Sally if were my child, I would've locked up that xbox ages ago until he started passing all subjects in school and decided to be a human instead of a zombie.
It's amazing when he is actually grounded from xbox, he remembers to do everything. When he's allowed to play on it 24/7, he "forgets" to do anything. Forgets my arse!
Ohhhh I have had fantasies of
Ohhhh I have had fantasies of smashing that bleeding xbox with a hammer until it shatters into a million pieces. Believe me! However, that would only make me the bad guy and DH would run to buy another. Me trying to fix everything only made me the nag, the arsehole, the b*tch, the evil stepmother.
So I explained to DH that I am going to have to step back and let him take care of his son how he sees fit. When SS first came to live here, you asked me to help you parent...and that's what I know how to do. Parent. I can be a leader, teacher, guidance counselor, homework helper, confidant and rules enforcer. What I cannot and do not know how to do is be a pitying coddling babying enabler.
I told him that he is asking me to do something I do not know how to do and do not believe in. Spoiling and babying and enabling a child to be helpless is only going to screw them up more and I don't believe in it. So I'm not going to be involved in "parenting". DH agreed but I don't think he fully understood.
Slowly now, because I'm letting the natural consequences play out, he's starting to understand. He's starting to see that letting SS "do what makes him happy" is turning him into a grouchy, smelly, disgusting, attitude-filled, helpless little butthole.
And that's just how it has to be. When I was making sure things were getting done as they were supposed to, all DH could see is that things were getting done. It didn't matter that I was tying myself into knots and losing my mind. The end result is things were done so, hey, nothing needs to change.
It boggles my mind, as it does yours, as to why men are like this. Strong, intelligent, loving, awesome men turn into brainless morons when it comes to their children. It's so infuriating.
The fact that your ss likely
The fact that your ss likely has ASD also makes him so much more susceptible to having extreme fixations and obssessions even more than the usual xbox addicted kid. Sometimes limited time does not work (it is like a drunk being told he can have only 1 drink a day) it has to be switched out for a healthier alternate fixation (much easier said than done!)
Sorry for the graphic
Sorry for the graphic nature-This is a chronic things with some kids. When they have the pattern of getting backed up and then leaking around this eventually stretches out the rectum and then they really don't sense the need to defecate like they should, so it backs up then leaks more and can be an endless cycle often going on for years. There isn't really a medical test for this it is just an anatomical fact that occurs with this condition. If caught at the right point in the process constipation can be seen on certain medical tests but not if at the part of a cycle where a good clean out has happened.
Also the more the kid is punished for it (although requiring them to clean up to help manage their condition is a good self care skill to teach) the worse the condition is likely to get. They will withhold even more which just exacerbates things. This condition can often be seen in persons with developmental disabilities (encopresis) but even my nondisabled sd had this going on at one point (she came to us black and blue from bm as a result, different post)
One treatment that some docs will prescribe is miralax daily until the initial blockage is cleared and then sometimes an ongoing maintenance partial dosage to keep things flowing. We dealt with more mess during this treatment but it has improved almost to the point of being cured. The goal is eventually for the anatomy to return to normal and the process to improve. Not all docs are well versed at diagnosing and treating this condition. We happened upon an excellent pediatric gastroenterologist who was able to educate us and help.
This is NOT a fun thing to go through and is frustrating for the parent and the kid, and the smell ugggh!
SS13 is on both a gentle
SS13 is on both a gentle laxative and some clear goop to keep everything down there hydrated. There was one doctor he has seen that determined that he cannot feel when he needs to go, as you described.
But like with everything, if you don't remind him to go, he won't go. So in the name of my DH letting SS13 "do what makes him happy", SS will gladly hold it in. He must have sphincter muscles like Hercules.
I understand he cannot feel it. What gets me is the lying about it and sitting in it. He's not numb on the OUTSIDE of his butt!
For us (I'm not recommending,
For us (I'm not recommending, just sharing our experience with overcoming this) they had him take a LOT of miralax (and I mean 2-3 capfuls for 2 weeks which I would not have been comfortable doing if not under a docs supervision and was anything but gentle!) but it was to clear out everything (he was literally full of it) and then a capful for a month followed by a half cap for several weeks for maintenance and if it got worse again go back to a heavier dose (they gave us a written regimen). I thought it would be nonstop diarrhea but it wasn't, just kept him loose enough to let everything get back to normal size. Also a high fiber diet and adequate fluids played a part in maintenance (fiber one cereal or some other colon blow type cereal not just 'fruits and veggies').
We would get really frustrated at the smell and mess of it too (and embarrassing if out in public). They can get so use to it that it is like they are desensitized to the smell and feel of it but we never got used to the smell!
For my sd it was more that she would hide her poopy drawers because she knew she would be severely punished/ridiculed for it but that is due to crappy bm.
Time to get rid of the
Time to get rid of the X-Box.
We had similar issues with YSD. Not with pooping her pants, but peeing them up until she was 12 when she admitted to us that she didn't want to miss her TV programs by taking a couple of minutes to use the bathroom. She said it as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do. SO and I cancelled the Disney Channel, and it never happened since, to our knowledge.
Both BM and SO used to always
Both BM and SO used to always use the "She's only (insert age here)" excuse for YSD and YSD used to use that excuse as well. I got to the point when ever I could smell urine when YSD was visiting, I would walk around the house looking at the carpets and behind the furniture. SO would ask me what I was doing, and I would say" I smell pee, I think the cat went outside her litter box." When I left the room where YSD was, SO would send her in for a shower....
Ewww....... I'd be terrified
Ewww....... I'd be terrified to sit anywhere in my house. Or touch anything , your SS sounds like a walking filth factory. How foul and unsanitary. I wouldn't do a damn thing to help parent that kid , you can't card more than the parents do.
I don't think I could stay in a marriage with a skid like that.....who will probably be living at home for a very long time....