Evil Step daugther!!!!!!!!!
Well i actually stumbled across this site on google. As i am sitting here in a tizzy over my stepdaughter googling away " how to not hate your stepchild, how to not be angry with your stepchild and everything else i could find, i found this site. Started reading some peoples comments and said OMG i am not going to hell alone, YAY!!! I will have people just like me there! LOL J/K. But honestly, i am very happy i found this site! It makes me not feel so alone and that others too feel my pain.
I was actually considering counseling because i have suck a great marriage and my husband and I are so close, the only issues is his 8 yr old daughter! I too have a 7 1/2 yr old daughter and a son together with my husband that is 11 months old. They are both great big sisters but my stepdaughter is just evil to the core. ( i think of course daddy doesn't think so because that is his precious princess) -yes bitterness is there. }:)
I really need help and advice on how to deal with her lying, sneaking, manipulating( daddy) show off, princess syndrome, needing to be the center of attention, bragging and everything else kid on my hands. We have her on weekends during the school year ( which i can handle fine 95% of the time) then we have her more in the summer, which KILLS me! Especially now that school is out, i have had a week from hell with her and my daughter and son. I am a stay at home mom, which i love spending time with my kids, but i am not the person/mom i want to be when she is around. I love how i am when she is not here. I am calm, cool and happy and content. Then WHAM she walks through that door and i tense up and i am like instantly on my guard. Just waiting for something to happen. I have so much anger and bitterness towards her. She almost broke me and her father up a few years ago because she was HORRIBLE!!!!!! We did nothing but fight over her. But we have worked things out tremendously since then, but it is still THERE. Just that tension and her honestly! I didn't break their relationship up either. They had been separated since she was two and me and her father got together 2 1/2 years later. She was almost 5. Her mother married 6 months after my husband and her broke up ( they never got married, i am his first marriage and this is my second) so i know i took daddy away. Because she loved when it was just HER and Daddy. She loves my daughter and they are close, but she is still nasty and evil to her behind closed doors ( that is why they always stay open now) She is great with her baby brother because it is HER baby brother because he is a part of daddy..See how that works?
So i really need some help on how to deal with my anger, bitterness, resentments up the #$$!!!!
Thanks so much..
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Welcome Your feelings are
Your feelings are normal, as are hers. Because DH was single for several years, and she had him all to herself, she's not going to adjust overnight.
Perhaps she'd benefit from a good counselor. Even kids need third parties to vent to sometimes. Maybe you'd also consider getting family counseling to help ease the transition on everyone.
That being said, that doesn't mean DH should condone her behavior or allow it. He should say something to her about how she can't behave, what the consequences will be if she behaves badly, and follow through on that. He needs to teach her how to vent appropriately, and get her some help.
Also, the BM might be trying to alienate SD from DH and encouraging her to be mean to you & your kids. That could be a huge part of why SD acts the way she does.
I KNOW You are mad but this 8
I KNOW You are mad but this 8 year old is probably NOT evil at all.
You didn't provide much info as to why she earned that title of "evil" other than you basically not standing her.
So, being a brat makes you
So, being a brat makes you "evil" nowadays? Yes. I can only base my comments on what the poster says, and although I wasn't defending the little girl, I bet she is not "evil" and something is going on in her mind that she resents SM. But no, I will not label a child "evil" based on what this poster said or based on someone saying "he/she is evil"...
Being a brat does not make
Being a brat does not make you evil. But according to the definition of evil, you are acting evil if you are purposely causing harm. We all may have committed evil. But some are more evil than others. We don't know why the poster think she's evil, but it does exist. Harming someone because you're jealous is evil. So if her SD was trying to emotionally or physically harm her BD, even if it's jealousy related, is indeed an act of evil.
Evil is defined as something
Evil is defined as something that is immoral, causes pain or harm, is offensive, or threatening. In many cultures evil is a broad term used to describe what are seen as subjectively harmful deeds that are labeled as such to steer moral support. Evil is usually contrasted with good. ...
Just because she's 8 doesn't mean she doesn't have evil tendencies. There is a certain amount of good and evil in everyone. Some people have more good, some have more evil. So I believe the poster is saying there is more evil in this girl.
I never said that "just
I never said that "just because she is 8" she is not evil. I only referred to her as an 8 year old. I was only making a point that there wasn't much explanation provided as to why this kid is so "evil"
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your comments. I will set the record straight and give some more information to help clear the air. The reason i said she was "evil" is because she is down right rotten. She purposely manipulates my daughter and says things behind mine and my husbands back. My daughter has come to me with serious issues and my husband and myself have sat ( SD ) down and set her straight. We have not had any instances in a few months, but that is what she does. She is "ok" for a few months and when she thinks no one is watching or listening she does things or says things. She has hurt my daughter physically but i have to say, it is mostly mentally. She has a way of manipulating her and putting her down. She makes herself the best at everything and always puts my daughter down. She is an extremely jealous little girl and has been that way since before i have met her. Friends and other family members of my DH family have made comments to me about it. So this is not just a SM or SD deal. She has been this way since birth. I do believe that some people are just "evil" in nature and only feel good when they are hurting someone or manuplating or being a "con" which she has mastered very well at the age of 8. I think sometimes people dont realize how smart kids are. Granted, all children will do things to get their way, but they have some what of a guilt complex and feel bad when they hurt someone the care about. She never has cried once when we have "tried" to explain to her how her comments to EVERYONE in the house hurt people. She doesn't care at all. She is missing that emotion. I have mentioned that she needs to be evaluated but i can not make my husband send her. I have brought it up in a serious conversation but I can't force him to see his daughter for the person she really is. It is his Daughter and i understands he loves her to death, but it isnt helping her at all. It has always been a battle and i do believe that their is a history behind her illness. Her mother is bi-polar ( not saying anything bad about that at all) but there is something "off" with her. I know a lot about mental illness due to being in the health field. However, she would need to see a Child Psychiatrist and they would have to test her. More then likely something of that nature would not be able to be diagnosed until she is in her adolescent years. But it isn't just that. She is missing something seriously wrong. Like, love,compassion and sensitivity and honestly she is just down right rotten to the core. She is even like that with her cousins that she says she loves so much. But then when she sees them she is bosey, rotten and puts them down. I have talked to her before and explained to her, that she will end up very alone because she will push everyone that she "loves" away treating them that way. My DH has even told her that. Her mother lets her get away with everything and then she is with her mothers mom all the time and beyond SPOILS her!! That is a lot of the problem also. My DH is so sweet,compassionate and sensitive. I just dont understand who she could be that way because she is NOTHING like him. I know it bothers him, but he is an extremely passive person and honestly, i think he is embarrassed. He see's how my daughter is and how sweet and loving she is and they are so close. My DD backs off whenever she comes over to let them have time together because anytime my daughter shows him any attention she knows she will pay for it. Sad really... I was so scared to death when my son was first born that she would hurt him. I kept him with me for MONTHS away from her and only let her be around him when i was right there ( her feeding him, holding him. ) i have become the best actress and dont let on how i feel. I have always been nice to her and have a "open" communication with her. She will come to ME with things over her father. So that trust is there and i know she cares about us. But she just cant help herself sometimes i guess. Again, needs to be evaluated.
As far as the custody ordeal. I wish to HELL that would change. My husband got screwed royally in court. He was only able to see her on weekends because she had already started school with her Mom because of his work schedule for that year. They had an agreement that it would only be for Kindergarten and then when she was in school FT he would like to have 50/50 custody like what me and my Ex have. Well she took him to court and that is what they decided because she was already established in court. They brought SD in and her mother and grandmother coerce her into saying she wanted to stay in her school with her mother. So they listened to her. Which i was shocked because when i went to court over my daughter it was totally different. So we have her every single weekend and since i am home now, they have just dumped on me so far. I heard him saying well i can take her a lot more now. I said oh no!!!!! You pay her a TON of CS and why are you going to pay HER if she is with US all the time. That isn't right. I dont ask for CS because we have 50/50 custody. SO i set that straight this weekend. SO we shall see how that goes. But she tried to dump on us more over the summer because she(BM) "says" that she has no one to watch her because her friend that watches her during the school year is away a lot and works. So it is pretty complicated and this is why i am on this site to blow off some steam and get others points of views.. Hope that helps
I am not some horrid person trust me. I watch children all the time and have babysat from the age of 12. I L-O-V-E kids and always has. It was so hard for me to deal with this and still is because i have never come into contact with a child that i can NOT stand at all. Why does it have to be my SD ?? I dont know. I pray about it all the time, but that is all i can do because i dont have any control over what they do with her. ONLY control I have is when she is in our house and what is allowed and tolerated. She has rules just like my daughter..
Thanks for all of your comments
Wow I could have written this
This is exactly what my family is like. SD 8 is a complete little insufferable brat and has told nasty lies and has nearly broken my marriage. We as a couple have worked through it and are stronger than ever which is only making the skid worse. I've shown this little shit nothing but love and she's thrown it back in my face for 3 years now, hating me while she apparently loves every new partner that her mum has coming through her revolving door, because skid keeps driving them away with her behaviour. Seems like me sticking around has become boring for her and she wants someone new. It's like she wants her parents to be miserable; she's so spiteful. She loves the novelty of a new mummy or daddy, but as soon as they aren't in the 'friend' box anymore and they question the status quo, i.e. her being the centre of the universe and ruling the roost, she drives them away. God knows I've nearly packed my shit and left so many times.