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Head lice on our weekend...typical!

crushed step-mom's picture

Seriously all 4 of them had head lice....really...did she not bathe any of them in the past two days to notice before we picked them up?
I can't help but recall all of this stuff...and I have been through so much with those kids and for them to turn on me and just forget all the times I was there! I was the one that took care of this lice mess...where was their mom...out looking for a man probably! Crazy Bitch!!


Lalena75's picture

It's about 6 months since we finally seemed to beat a year of lice in SO's dd's hair, I still cringe when she hugs me because I'm afraid they are back constantly I check her every time we get her, and now she's back in summer camp BM had her in last year where she got them I'm just waiting. At least she's there less since they don't go there on our time. It took dcfs showing up about bed bugs a doc reported that before it seemed to get better but it was so awful and traumatizing for her, myself, and SO I hate BM for that alone.