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my letter

dakotamom's picture

There was a forum started yesterday about what you would tell your skids if you could...this was my letter and i found it super therapeutic to get this out. I would like to thank everyone on this sight for allowing me to express my issues and get other opinions if i was over reacting and how to handle situations. my life in dealing with skids has been better because i do have this outlet for when i get frustrated.

i hope you two realize before it's to late all that your father has done for you. he works multiple jobs so that he still has money to spend when you visit so that you don't complain that he is no fun or that you have more to do at your moms house. You always play the poor me card when it comes to food so you can hear your father say we can do whatever you want. you will whine how your mom and stepdad make you choose off the dollar menu and make you eat popcorn for supper instead of real meals - you sure don't look like you're starving. your dad lets you pick the restaurants to go to and you dont' hold back for him or his walet. you always have your hand out for whatever is left in his walet. ss17 you have a job and have commented about how much it sucks to have to buy gas, but you have no problem asking your dad for gas to come visit him and leave 10 minutes after he feeds you and fills your tank. ss15 you irritate the shit out of me. you are a gross disgusting little child. there is nothing wrong with taking a shower daily adn brushing your teeth and for the love of god change your fucking clothes!!! your mother has messed you up so bad i'm not sure if there's hope for you to turn into a well groomed adult. your clothes are not supposed to be piled up for so long that they smell like rotten milk. your grandparents are always buying you clothes and taking you out and doing nice things for you because they like to see you and when all you do is constantly talk about how bad it is living with your mom and stepdad and their rules, well know what - you have the choice to live where you live. your dad would fight to have you in our house in a second if he knew you would follow through with it and not cave to your mother when she says how much she would miss you. truth is - she wouldn't miss you, she would miss that check that comes to her every month to pay her car payment adn to pay for the new tv, kitchen remodel, clothes for your half baby brother that she had with dink hoping to have the little girl she always wanted. she doesnt give a shit about you or she'd treat you better. you deserve better than what you're currenly dealing with, but you also deserve it because you're not sticking up for yourself either.
when i first came into your lives i tried to make sure your clothes were clean and that when choosing food to cook at home you got to choose your favorite no matter how much of a mess it was or how long i had to prepare it by myself or clean it up alone because you would rather watch tv or be on the computer. i did my best to get you nice things just for the heck of it but it never got a thanks dakota. i had to ask your dad if you were even taught that word because i'd never heard it. he got on you for a while but eventually quit and so the did small appreciation, so i quit. there was never a "we liked when you did this for us" talk from either of you so i stopped wasting my time, energy, and laundry detergent on you. your dad wants to have children taht can't be bothered to take care of themself that is fine by me. he does this not because he doesnt' love you - but because he doesnt' want to fight with you about cleaning up after yourselves when he only sees you max 2-3 days a week. he loves you very much, but i dont' see it as love letting you do whatever you want.
ss17 i'm helping you as much as i can to get things lined up for college because i know your mom is too lazy to do it herself. your dad doesn't have teh desire to help other than wanting to see you off to college to better yourself he isn't participating. Don't take this the wrong way, it's not because he doesn't love you - he truly does, the truth is he doesn't know anything about what you'll be doing adn going through and he feels bad for not knowing how to comfort and assist you.
be patient with your dad as he loves you very much. but both of you need to quit being the money grubbers your mother has raised you to be, grow up and get a job. only then ss15 will i truly respect you because as of now - i have none for you.


Anon2009's picture

This is what I'd like to say to all the skids on here:

Skids, you do not have to love or like us. You can hate us for all we care. But it's not going to kill you to be civil to us.