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O/T Help with neighbor's cats

DeeDeeTX's picture

Since there seem to be a lot of animal lovers here, I thought someone may have an idea.

Our neighbor has cats. She lets them outside. For some reason, our yard is their preferred bathroom site. They leave presents in our flower bed. The piss in our front bushes to where our front porch reeks. She has about six to eight, and they seem otherwise decently taken care of-nothing I could call the authorities for animal neglect.

How the f do I get the animals out of our yard? I can't garden anymore (or at least I won't--nothing like weeding and constantly smelling and finding cat urine and feces.). The things crap in my kids sandbox. The situation isn't tolerable, but I don't have a ton of money or time either. I've taken to just never going outside but that is miserable too.

Any ideas?


whatwasithinkin's picture

call your township office and turn her in their probably all not licensed...somehow people forget to do that...

tweetybird74's picture

That is no neighbourly. She needs to be told to keep her cats on her own property. Call animal control they will deal with her. She likely will not be much of a friendly neighbour though after you call animal control.

misSTEP's picture

I've read that cats hate the smell of citrus. Sprinkle orange/lemon/etc peels in the areas you want them to avoid. Or spray air freshener heavily in targeted areas.

There are also commercial things that you can spread around but probably not the best option if you have young ones.

I have also heard of people burying plastic forks into the ground where they leave their presents - tong side up.

They also tend to not like to walk on certain tinfoil (probably not useful for outdoors) or things that are sticky. Any way of making the area they want to "go" in sticky?? Probably not the sandbox but at least by the flowers and porch?

I have to confess I took a big scoop of my OWN neighbor's cats' "presents" and presented them on their front doorstep. Our HOA states that there are to be no animals outside without their owners present. So, they are OBVIOUSLY violating that. I am not the only one who has already called and complained about them.

Next for us is live traps from the pound. But our neighbors are trouble and not rational enough to reason with.

SMof2Girls's picture

You can sprinkly lemon, grapefruit, and other citrus peels in there. You could also try cutting up some hot peppers too.

If they still persist, try laying down a layer of chicken wire over your gardens. It's not too expensive at your local hardware store. If you take away the cats ability to sniff and scratch in the dirt, they're less likely to use it is a toilet.

You may also be able to buy some deterrant spray at a pet store, but I'm not familiar with any of those products.

Also, you can definitely call animal control. A lot of localities have a limit on the number of animals a resident is allowed to own in the home. But regardless, they definitely require the animals to be contained on their property.

12yrstepmonster's picture

I'm one of those neighbors, however I live in the country and they are mousers, they hunt for days....

Google search keeping cats away, and if you find out how to Chase skunks out safely please let me know. I have one that comes too close to my house

Purplemom's picture

Get thee to a store and invest in a motion sprinkler..... The cats are already wet by the time they know what hit them.
spray down the front walk with citrus cleaner (natures miracle works well) and talk to your neighbor. When I spayed and neutered the strays in our old hood the neighbors all knew they could come to me and I would fix the issue. She may have no idea they are causing issues. Also, are they fixed? That could be part of the issue. Usually there is a reason for door marking like that.