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Ahhh- gross little SS in the house!!

dezm00's picture

I have been told by many parents that little boys can be gross. However, when I find my 6 yo SS wiping his snotty nose on things I flip out. I can handle a lot of things in life but boogers are not one of them! Actually what irks me the most is that he is a perfectly healthy little boy who was just too lazy to get off his duff and go blow his nose. The idea that a child is too lazy to walk 6 feet and take care of business just makes me mad.


dakotamom's picture

just wait until ss6 is 15.....there are so many things i have learned about teenage boys and their grossness it will make you puke!
hopefully the boogers are in his room only!!

dezm00's picture

I am dreading teenage years! I thought we had broke him of his booger wiping habit but little did I know, that never goes away for boys!

stepmasochist's picture

Ugh! I hate boogers wiped on things. When SS6 is in the communal portions of the house I watch him like a hawk. Anytime that finger goes in his nose I tell him to go blow it or work it out in the bathroom. You just reminded me of something I think I had been trying to block out. While SS was away at his mom's this summer I found boogers wiped on the wall next to his bed. He gets to clean that up - ew. I had totally forgotten though.

dezm00's picture

Oh, I do! I caught him wiping his nose on his bed comforter. I should have made him sleep with it but that just grosses me out and it went directly to the wash! My SS has cleaned boogers off of many places but he never learns. His BM never enforced good hygiene and old habits are hard to break!!

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

Boys are gross… super gross… the boogers, the not even attempting to aim at the toilet issues, the drooling and snorting. *yuck* And my SS’s have severe sinus issues so there’s always these yellow green boogie-phlegm spats in their bathroom sink… I’ve asked SS6 ten thousand times if he has to loogie in the sink PLEASE rinse it out!!! No luck. DREADING the teenage years and the foulness that comes along with hormones…

dakotamom's picture

just wait. i wish boogers are the only thing i had to complain about!!! ss15 hates to bathe - he thinks it's a waste of time. his hair is all greasy - won't get it cut because it just grows out anyway so it's flipping out from under his hat. reminds me of phil mickelson the golfer but way less hygenic. prefers to wear dirty clothes because "they're already broke in". doesn't like to brush his teeth because it hurts his mouth...probably a sign that they're infected or something expensive when Dh takes him to the dentist. but the kid can do a 180 and if he is playing with my dog or outside and gets a scrape the whole world better stop and tend to him. he has seriously told me that my dog scraped him causing dirt to get into his blood steam and do you know what kid of diseases live in the dirt....WTF do you know what kinds of diseases live in that mouth of yours you choose not to brush?!?! dumbass.