hahaha! just keeps getting better and better!!
So BF and I just had skids for... 7 days, they were with bm one night, and now we will have them again from today till thursday.. Well yesterday we dropped skids off to bm, when we got there, she wasn't there.. I had sent her a message tellin her what time we would be there when she was sayin how much she missed her babies!!! Well we wait out in the hot ass sun for bm to get there.. She pulls up with her boyfriend and gets out.. And she has her back in a greasy ponytail, and a long tshirt on that says "BADASS" and.... Her short shorts, these ones (for a visual) were as long as pockets in the front of ur shorts..maybe. And they were lose on her nasty skeleton legs she loves so much.. My BF was standing by my car.. Didn't walk up to her, didn't say anything, didn't walk inside to take the kids in, hey just looked at BM, looked at me and said "come on DG, let's go babe" (hehehe) as I gave BM an utter look of disgust, I said bye to the kids and got in the car with BF.. BM was just standing in her driveway dumbfounded and BF looks at me in the car with the most serious face and says " I literally threw up in my mouth!" I laughed and said, "I think you can see her crotch lips hanging out" (gross, but seriously..) And we laughed in the driveway, right in front of BM... Ahhhh, pure bliss!! Secondly, its killing BM that she cannot talk to BF, and yet, he is loving it!!! I'd have to say it quite quiet and calm at DGs house without BM blowing up the phone and she HATES having to talk to me about plans with skids
I asked BF yesterday if he wanted to call BM when we were gonna set up our drop off plan, he said "NO". He has no desire to talk to her or look at her.. I love it!!!! "OH HAPPY DAY!" Hehe
- dguiwh2334's blog
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Juvenile ?? Come on, have a
Juvenile ?? Come on, have a laugh at the psycho BM ! :jawdrop:
Me thinks BlendedFam needs to
Me thinks BlendedFam needs to take a little advice from the Joker sometimes… “Why SO serious..?!?!?”
Don’t you think that these “juvenile” moments just help break the tension of life sometimes…?
Wanna hear juvenile… DH and I have come up with an entire Mother Russia dance that we do whenever she’s done something particularly boneheaded… she listens to this awful techno music and has had two tummy tucks this year and wonks on constantly about her “stuuuuumuk” (stomach said in a heavy Russian accent) so the dance is this kind of techno belly dance that usually leaves us on the floor in laughing fit to split!
As long as the kids don’t witness the behavior I don’t see anything wrong with letting off a little good natured steam as far as the ex goes… “thumpa-thumpa-thumpa-Stummmmuck! Thumpa-thumpa-thumpa-fooooooooot!”
LOL @ MoonChild. DH and I
LOL @ MoonChild. DH and I have something similar we do mocking BM and her DH. It makes us giggle like little kids and it's just FUNNY.
too freakin funny
too freakin funny
Moonchildstepmom, agreed!!!
Moonchildstepmom, agreed!!! The juvenile part??? Oh yes, BM wearing butt shorts where you can honestly see her underwear and a shirt that says "badass" as the 2 skids can read!! But BF and I, yes we are quite juvenile for laughing in our car at BMs tasteless outfit.. My bad... Moonchildstepmom, your russian dance, hilarious!!! That's too funny, yes at times we do need humor to get thru the bs at times
Moon Child...I completely
Moon Child...I completely agree with you. There are times when a little levity and not taking the high road counts as a shared moment between you and your SO!
That made my day. We often
That made my day. We often pull up to the same thing. We laugh and say ( what the ____ ) ! :jawdrop:
So blendedfam, that's totally
So blendedfam, that's totally fine that you don't like my humor or think that I'm acting juvenile.. But your whole low blow about how My BF cheated on me with BM... When did that happen?? Cause my BF never slept with BM while we were together.
I like your humor
I like your humor
You have a very bad habit of
You have a very bad habit of making totally untrue statements as if they were fact.
Seems you'd have learned by now to be more careful what you say.
Thanks for the not so nice,
Thanks for the not so nice, but very funny visual.
And Moonchild - I love the dance thing.
I agree as long as the kids aren't around to witness it, humor at BM's expense no matter how juvenile it is, is a great way to blow off steam.
Thanks Pat! Yes, the kids
Thanks Pat! Yes, the kids didn't see us laughing, nor would they know it was about BM if they did see us laugh.. And it is a wonderful way to blow off steam.. I'm in a great mood and things have been wonderful for me and BF.. Anyone else wanna share a humorous juvenile story to make me continue my good mood
Blendedfam, your hysterical
Blendedfam, your hysterical to me... It honors me that your gonna take the time to go review my blogs so you may have a chance to get a free dig at me on step talk today, god I wish I had that much time on my hands.. Let me spare you the reading blendedfam... Last october me and bf split for a week, he wanted to try and make things work with bm for the kids, during that week bm was talking to me and thinking I was her friend, during that time she said the ONE night bf stayed at their old house, he slept on the couch.. She was crying to me cause he didn't wanna share a bed with her.. Th next day he took the kids to his brothers and stayed there the rest of the time, while he had our mutual friend telling me how upset bf was about leaving me, and a few days later he was at my house begging me to forgive him... If they fu*ked blended, so be it.. He chose me either way, and If he finds bm appauling and nasty, he clearly knows he made a mistake and chose the better woman
have a blessed day blendedfam!
I find that people who make
I find that people who make fun of/put down others do so because they are insecure about themselves... and need to put down others to "up" themselves.
Stop!! I can't stand the irony!
This is EXACTLY what some of us have been saying about YOU all along.
I think laughter is good for
I think laughter is good for any relationship. Who cares as the kids didn't witness.
Pantera, yes it is. I'm gald
Pantera, yes it is. I'm gald he and I can laugh about our EXs and make things easier... Sometimes, all you can do is laugh! The saddest part is that ss9 gets soooo embarrased by the way his mom dresses. The last time she wore those, he saw her and said " mom, why are you wearing those??" So sad.
Oh blendedfam, I'm glad
Oh blendedfam, I'm glad you've been busy. And altho you say I'm insecure, it was my bf talking about his ex... I don't need to degrade bm or talk down to her to bring myself up.. I am up, very high.. I work 55 hrs a week and raise her kids. I'm doing what I need to do in my relationship, and I'm happy.. Its funny when step talkers post a good and happy post you try to medle in with your negativity.. It puts an even bigger smile on my face.. I know that we all help you to get thru your busy days by giving you something to talk about.
Ok, so here is my so called
Ok, so here is my so called "juvenile" moment. Last Sunday was our off weekend with the SK's but at their BM never buys them any school supplies we picked them up on Sunday to take them shopping. We meet her at Kroger parking lot to pick the kids up and she informs us we have one hour. This is hilarious to me as she never takes her visitation, but thats a whole other story,lol. She does not get out of the car and I don't even look in her direction. Well we get done shopping and take the kids back to meet her. When we pull up in the parking lot she is bent over in the back seat doing something. She is wearing the dumpiest clothes you have ever seen, she has her hair pulled up in some form of a wierd ponytail, and she is out in public without her false teeth in her mouth. I literally could not believe my eyes. When we drive off after dropping the girls, my DH looks at me and says I seriously just threw up a little in my mouth, wtf was I ever thinking when I was with her, I just busted out laughing and told him I knew I was not miss america, but damn did he make a huge upgrade with me,lol. Sometimes it feels really good to have your own thoughts validated about his ex from his mouth alone,lol.
Posionapples, I love you!!!
Posionapples, I love you!!! That's exactly what I was thinking
and cain8cody12, I love it!!! So you know exactly how I felt!!! It is wonderful when our men tell us what horrible mistakes they made in picking their ex, mine always says the best thing he got was his kids! So true...
Is that anything like SpongeBob Squarepants?? Maybe your BM should have her own TV show.
Oh, and the visual...that was enough to make ME vomit a little in my mouth, too!! :sick:
Glad I wasn't actually there to see the 3D version. Gross.
My wife and I rarely insult
My wife and I rarely insult the SpermIdiots directly to their faces .... at least not in a way that their genetically limited brain capacity picks up on .
If we have a problem with them we just address it directly though we do have much fun at their expense when we are doing the post mortem on a conversation or interface with them.
Like your Skids BM, they make it extremely easy to bare their idiot asses often and in public. Not that they undstand that they are being insulted.
I do feel four your Skids though. They have to know and be mortified that their BM is a skanky road whore.
Best regards,
My SO and I also have a lot
My SO and I also have a lot of 'juvenile' moments when it comes to BM.
She has a really whiny voice that she uses ALL THE TIME. The skids have picked it up too. It annoys the hell out of me. When she does her usual running out to the car stomping and shouting about whatever non-issue she's thought up to be a bitch about on that particular week if I respond at all I mimic her whines with a nasal monotone and long drawn out words. I don't think she gets it at all though.
If we manage to get out of there without a tantrum from her we know it will be coming via phone call or text within a matter of seconds so we start whining to each other predicting what her bullshit drama is going to be this time - 'DD5 haaaad aaaa moooosquiiiiiiiiiitoooo biiiiiiite oooon her leeeeeeeeeeeeg. Whaaaaaaaat kiiiiiiiiiind oooooof faaaaaaaaather leeeeeeeeeeeeets thaaaaaaaaaaaat haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen? I doooooooooooooooooon't thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey should cooooooooooooooooooooome toooooooooooooo you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanymoooooooooooooooooore iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare oooooooooooooooooooooooooooof theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem'
OMG Poisonapples, that's some
OMG Poisonapples, that's some funny shyte!! I CANNOT IMAGINE having to listen to that crap. Our BM has a whiny, annoying voice as well and is ALWAYS, ALWAYS complaining about a non-issue.
Call CPS! The skids have a mosquito bite!!!
What a freakin lunatic!!
Rags!! Hahaha, I'm crying
Rags!! Hahaha, I'm crying from laughing at your response.. Scanky road whore.. Perfect!!!
and Milomom, badass crotchlips is a wonderful new name! It was funny cause BM has NO ass, actually, as someone gave a good word, its concave!! Nothing there.. Its like her ass is in direct line with her back and legs________ flat! Anyhow, I said perhaps her BADASS shirt symbolizes the fact that she has, a bad ass.. Hehe, gay I know but we laughed... And believe me I wanted to puke... And Rags, BF has addressed BMs "outfits" many times.. For about a month she dressed semi-appropriate... And Poisonapples, haha.. Our BM has a scanky rat voice.. So I call it, I cannot stand it, or the way she says BFs name.. I always say if I had to spend one whole day listening to her voice I would either puncture my own ear drums or rip out her voice box...
I hear ya, I don't think I
I hear ya, I don't think I could make it through if we didn't poke a little fun at the BM. Ours is originally from Hungary, she's been here for 15 yrs, yet shows up for court in this ethnic style peasent dress, complete w/MaryJanes and ankle socks. She's....35. And says to the Judge imagine a very thick accent (which is only used for court by the way) "I was but a young girl when taken from my native land and (sniff) madre and papa, I know not the ways of your country" Gaaawd, she was 21, got herself knocked up quickly, it was her ticket to the states.
So anyhow if I'm trouble with DH, I'll grab a dishtowel, tie it around my head like peasent kercheif, and say "Oh but I am just a young girl and know not the ways of your country...." works everytime, we will both be in hysterics. Sometimes ya just gotta laugh, it would just be to awful otherwise. Love the Russian thing!!
Zuzieq611, hilarious!! Haha,
Zuzieq611, hilarious!! Haha, that's so something I would do.. And stepdown that's a great story, I would have snapped some shots as well