Help! Im pissed and need an answer fast!!!!
So, as I said before I periodically check BMs facebook page.. I'm compulsive sometimes..idk.. Point being, she usually has everything private accept her profile pics.. So I just looked and she had an album for her father who passed away last year.. So out of curiosity I look at it.. Well on my phone (I'm at work) when u click the albums it brings up smaller pics, whcih u click to enlarge.. As I scroll down I see a small semi blurred pic that seems to look like my BF!!! As I'm saying in my head (this better not be my friggin bf, as I feel my blood boiling!!!) HA, IT IS a pic of my BF, sitting next to her dad and brother, with a big smile on his face! The caption reads, "the boys" and lists who is in the pic! Am I livid and upset for a good reason or not? Mind you, thruout this thing (their dragged divorce that is now final) she had a myspace with loads of pics of my BF stating "my husband" and so on.. Its soooo annoying! And she just recently put it on public.. Sooo.. Is she a scank that obviously isn't over him and trying to piss me off?! Do I say something to BF? UGH if I do he may tell her and she will know it bugs me!! Mind you all the while she is bitching up a storm left and right cause my BFs fb profile pic is one of ME AND my BF!!! What do I do????!!!!
- dguiwh2334's blog
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I'd stop going to her fb page
I'd stop going to her fb page
Ok.. I'm a dork I know..
Ok.. I'm a dork I know.. After I sent this out of sheer annoyance I called my best friend... And she confirmed that if I say something, BM wins.. But it pisses me off cause she is a two faced scank.. Whatever.. I guess I just have to laugh it off and realize she longs for my BF and he doesn't want her.. So I should I set my pics so she can see the 500 pics of me and my BF HAPPY? Lol
I know I shouldn't!! It like
I know I shouldn't!! It like once in a blue moon, which is no excuse.. I guess I just hate her.. And it made me livid.. Can I use my menopause as an excuse for my freakout moment??
NOOOO Just kidding ;-P
Just kidding ;-P Hormones are always an excuse lol
She is obviously not ready to
She is obviously not ready to let go. Your best revenge is to be living happily ever after with your BF.
Thanks! Yea I didn't say
Thanks! Yea I didn't say anything, and I'm not going to.. I guess it urks me cause she bitches about us all the time.. I think it was my hormones LOL.. I know it kills her that me and my BF are so happy.. And she may have pics with him from the past, but I have his present n his future
and honestly I don't look at her page all that much... And she won't even know I have, but as of a couple days ago she was bitching about BFs.. SO, in the longrun I still won.. Thanks again ladies