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i think this is consuming me......

dguiwh2334's picture

Sorry for being a blog hog the last few days Sad So yesterday I went out, and had a blast.. Left BF at home doing my laundry..
This morning he wakes me up for work and smiles and asks if I have a hangover (yes) Then he gets in bed and is all lovey and snuggely..
I've spent so much of today talking about me and BF, I'm irritated by myself! This bs is consuming me!! Emotionaly and physically.. I have no appetite.. I'm worrying myself sick over this! I'm trying so hard to play it cool with BF and act like I don't care, but I do! Its killing me, and this whole thing is just eating me up inside. I love this man so much and I'm soooo hurt. I honestly think I need to see a therapist.. I cannot get this shit about BF and BM out of my head! I put scenarios and ideas about the 2 of them in my head from sun up to sun down..


dguiwh2334's picture

Everything!!! Sat she is comin to the house to drop them off while I'm at work.. I'm seriously losing it!!!

dguiwh2334's picture

I feel like I'm obesessed or posessed.. Its horrible.. The thoughts are eating me up.. I hate feeling like this, and idk why but I can't get them out of my mind!!

StepMadre's picture

I agree. As soon as you feel like there is some resolution or closure, you will feel a lot better. Counseling is a great idea and a very mature and responsible way to handle this. In my personal experience (and I am an obsessive worrier too), when you feel like you can't express your fears, worries and anger, it builds up to almost unbearable levels. Every little problem gets magnified and it's very easy to feel completely overwhelmed and anxious.

I think two things need to happen. You need to sit down with your BF and tell him how you are feeling, even if it's scary. If you stick with your feelings specifically and avoid attacking language or anything hostile that will put up his defenses, you will be able to work through it. It is scary when you aren't sure of your relationship's future and you worry about blowing it by being too "obsessive" or overreacting, but if you don't get to the point where you can honestly confide in your BF and have mature and respectful dialogue, your relationship will never progress and you won't have peace of mind and a secure relationship. A relationship where you can't be totally honest and confide in each other isn't worth having at all, in my opinion. I went through this with my husband and I know how awful it feels. Both H and I initially tried to work through our issues alone, without talking about it (both of us were very emotionally independent before we got together and were used to working on problems alone). Both of us were scared that if we said how we really felt, concerning delicate issues, that it might break up our relationship. We tried to push it under the carpet, but eventually the stress and pressure became too much and we wound up working through everything and getting to a far, far better place in regards to our communication. Because I had been suppressing my anger, resentment and frustration from H, the first time we talked about it, I was way, way over-emotional and it was a very dramatic conversation, but it got better from there on. Once I had expressed myself and had talked to H, it was like a huge weight had been lifted. We didn't resolve anything that first conversation, but a lot of the things I had issues with suddenly didn't bother me because I had been able to talk about them and get things off my chest. My husband was going through his own struggle and was extremely anxious about BM and not causing her to flip out. He did anything he could to avoid pissing her off, even to the point where I was the emotional casualty. I finally told him exactly how I felt and that he needed to choose his priority; BM's emotions or mine! He felt a lot better after telling me how pressured and stressed he felt, trying to please everybody (an impossible task in our situation). He learned how I felt and we were able to talk it through (over a few weeks). He had never thought of things from my perspective like that and it was the same for me with his issues. Just the fact that we had communicated at all was huge and we got better and better at it and now don't have any communication issues. We honestly confide in each other and no subject is off limits. We know the best and worst about each other and there is a huge amount of trust. His behavior with BM did a complete 360 and he did everything he could to make sure my feelings were taken into consideration as a priority over BMs (duh!). He hated her guts the whole time, but he was a pushover in a lot of ways because he was trying to keep the peace. The problem was that he didn't set appropriate boundaries for BM and she was completely delusional about H and because he didn't react or have a visibly negative reaction to her crazy announcements, she assumed that he supported her and agreed with her! Once it was made clear that he wasn't going to cater to her anymore, she flipped out and became hysterical. It was the thing H had avoided for so long, but once it actually happened, everything was fine. H realized that BM being angry was nothing to fear and that she could have tantrums up the wazoo and that it simply didn't matter! Instead of a delusional and bitchy BM trying to push herself into our lives and crossing boundaries every day, H alienated her and set some boundaries and she finally got the idea and started to leave us alone more. She was and is still crazy and delusional and has tantrums on a regular basis, but instead of being worried about that and having an unhappy and anxious wife at home, he has a happy and secure wife and a peaceful retreat in his own home. Once he stopped trying to appease BM, he said it felt like being released from cattle car shackles! He used to take BMs feelings into account with almost every decision, just so that he could avoid her freaking out and making a scene and she loved that and manipulated him as much as her tiny brain was capable of. His priorities now are his wife and kids and then extended family, friends, pets....and then our interests and hobbies, our home etc...BM is not on the list anywhere! Her feelings are most definitely prioritized below our toilet that tends to run unless you jiggle the handle! }:) We both view her as scum of the earth and do not take her opinions or feelings into account at all. If you're feeling like you are not your BF's priority (you and his kids should tie for first place!) then you need to talk to him about it and see where he stands. If you really aren't a priority for him, then maybe you need to break up. If you ARE his priority, then you can go from there and work on better communication. Telling him how you feel about things will change everything for the better because the truth will be out there, you will be expressing yourself and your BF will know what you are thinking and feeling. I used to get angry with H because I assumed he knew what upset me or hurt my feelings and it took a while for me to realize that he's not psychic and I needed to tell him what I was feeling, not assume he knew!! He started off being uncomfortable talking about his feelings because he has always been very closed off and comes from a family that values a pleasant front at all times (they are wonderful people, but very different from my loud and rambunctious family). Now, H is a total chatterbox! We check in with each other every day and make sure that we have a little bit of time alone to see how each other are doing. Some days are so busy and hectic that we don't have a chance to sit down and talk or cuddle, but it is a rare day where we don't talk in bed at the very least. If it's been a hard day, we take a shower together, get in comfy pj's and go to bed early so we can lay there and talk. It's like having a sleep over with my best friend, every night! The thing is we didn't start out this way! It was a long process and we continually work on it and deal with things as they come up.

The second step is counseling. I think it would be beneficial for you by yourself and/or with your BF. I am extremely pro-counseling and have benefitted from it a lot in my own life. Look around and ask friends for recommendations for a good person that you like and feel comfortable with. Even if you take a while to get to the point where you and your BF have resolved things, I think it would still be a huge help to you to have someone neutral and supportive to talk to every so often. At this point, I would recommend seeing someone once a week or at the very least every two weeks. There is still a stigma associated with therapists, but only among the very uneducated and ignorant. Doctors and others in the medical field have accepted for decades that the mind's health is just as important as the body's. It has been scientifically proven to be helpful and sometimes necessary to see a therapist. There is nothing shameful or embarrassing about it and anyone who says otherwise is just being nasty and ignorant. This is kind of a stupid metaphor but I look at it as being similar to your teeth. You are responsible for the day to day care of your teeth and if you don't brush and floss enough, you will get decay and other problems. To take adequate care of them, you also annually see a dentist, a medical professional that is trained to maintain and repair your teeth. The dentist does his or her job and helps with major repairs, but it is up to you to follow their advice and keep things clean and maintained on your own on a daily basis. The mind and your emotional state are the same. You are responsible for working on your emotional life and psychological state yourself, but that doesn't mean you need to do it all on your own or handle the big problems yourself. Having a therapist that you can talk to and confide in will help you deal with the bigger issues that are too overwhelming to deal with by yourself.

Good luck and I wish you the best with this!!!

dguiwh2334's picture

Exactly! I'm not asking mor miracles or impossible things... Simply when bm texts him "I miss you" I want him to say "I don't miss you! I'm with DG and you need to STOP"
And its killing me that he doesn't get it.. I'm so fuc*ing sick of talking about this and thinking about this!!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

I'm curious. What does BF respond to BM's texts? Does he just ignore them? Or does he ever say "Listen what have I told about speaking about my GF that way?"

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

I completely understand…
Some days I feel like a bit player shuffling her feet on the stage that is DH & BM’s family production. It IS all consuming… step parents were brought in right in the middle of the act with no script and no direction. But we’re expected to arrange our whole lives around every one else’s needs. It sucks… and can feel very claustrophobic.

Get out of the house… go have a quiet dinner and some wine… see a funny movie… do something for YOU… deep breath.

dguiwh2334's picture

Yes, and the saddest part.. I'm actually scared to sit him down and say anything.. Cause each time I do, he gets more pissed and I know I'm pushing him away.. And I don't want that.. I want us to be where we were a few months back.. We were perfect.. No fighting or anything.. Either my hangover is worse then I think, or I'm actually sick by this all!

dguiwh2334's picture

Yes, legally he is still married. D would have been final back in february, but BM kept fighting it.. And then she filed bankruptcy, so the papers I read the other state that once bm's bankruptcy shit is done, it will be final, they don't even have to go to court again.. But its not even gonna be final til november!!!

dguiwh2334's picture

Well yes I know they are still married.. And yea I'm probably a dumb ass for agreeing to stay in the relationship before it was final.. But I guess I can't help who I love.. I guess when BF came to me and said I make him happy and I'm who he wants, I thought it would be different.. He had the opportunity to choose who he wanted, and he chose me.. So do I live off that? I don't know... I guess I'm fighting so hard cause other then this thing, we are so perfect together... And that's what I want back..

dguiwh2334's picture

When BM texts that she misses BF, he just doesn't respond.. Unless she throws it in randomly thru convo (which she has) he will just continue whatever convo they were on and ignore the fact she even said it... So am I just losing it?? Idk..

burnet's picture

As a guy, I have never liked playing games. I don't think we as men interpret games very well. I don't think you will get the expected results or outcome
with this guy. I do recommend you talk to a counselor. The communication is not there. Maybe not from your end, but definitely from BF side. I heard some
say "If your not happy, then get happy". I was not good at communicating with my ex wife during our marriage and she was not good at communicating with me.
I was very unhappy with my first marriage and did not know how to express my feelings to my ex wife. Without communication(Both Ways) a marriage is likely
doomed. I have since found someone who has taught me about communicating. We have been married for 17 months and what a joy to not have to guess
what the other spouse is thinking.

Get him to talk to you and lay everything out on the table. If he is unwilling to see your views and respect you, then you need to get happy.

Otherwise you will kill yourself with worry and suspect.

I wish you well.

dguiwh2334's picture

Can I back off an just date him.....
I don't know. I know that this will eat at me until he stands up to bm, or we split. Its too big of a battle. I did choose him as well. I chose to stand by his side thru this. After BF was there for me thru out my major surgery this year, and all the support he gave me.. I wanted to help him. For quite a while bf was paying all my utilities (when he didn't live there) he helped me with so much! He truly is a good man, and other then the bm he is still legally with, I love everything about him. He and I need to come to an agreenment.. Or it won't work.

DaizyDuke's picture

I used to do the same thing you said you do... I obsessed over every little contact my hubby had with BM...and mine has NEVER done anything to make me NOT trust him... it's honestly her I don't trust and I just don't like him being buddy buddy with her i think it gives her her the wrong idea and gives her reason to continue calling/texting for stupid shit.

It's not nearly as bad as it used to be now thank God, but back in the day she would call to ask him how to fill out a job application, to tell him about some dilema in her life or ask how to wipe her ass... granted HE would tell me this and I made it hard for him by getting ticked off... so he was in a no win situation (if he didn't tell me she called I'd get mad and think he was being secretive.. if he did tell me she called, I get mad that she called)

I would obsess and over-analyze every stupid little thing and it was literly driving me crazy... one day my hubby said something that really sunk in.. he said "you spend way more time thinking about that scumbag than I do and why do you even waste your time?" and he was right! I think I have gotten a little better, but it didn't happen over night... I feel for you and hope that you can find some peace soon! Smile

forever2's picture

I think this is a case of a guy who didn't finish something before he started something else. I really feel for you because I am sure you love him and want to be with him, but you are correct that your BF needs to be clear and firm with his ex that her texts are not welcome and not appropriate and that is it over with her and she needs to respect you now. He is not doing this. Seems like you have given him the opportunity to shape up. Deep down, do you think that he still has feelings for her? Is this why he won't put his foot down? I think you are consumed by this because it isn't right and it isn't getting resolved and until he is finished with her, he cannot move forward with you. Your BF is putting you in a postion of the other woman, and not many woman can handle that role without tremendous anxiety.

logiebug13's picture

WOW! You must be terribly anxiety ridden which is what is causing your obsessive thoughts. You definately should seek therapy to at least help with the anxiety.

it seems that if he is ignoring her texts then he probably wants to move on with you.. although if she cheated on him when they were married ALOT on some level it probably feels like a victory to him that she now wants him back so the attention might be what he wants from her.

If he says he chooses you and ignores her why beleive anything different?

THe problem is that if he is not willing to talk about it what kind of relationship could you have with him down the road? His not willing to talk is an insight into the future with him which will only probably get worse.

You need to put your foot down and tell him what you want now. You may love him, but you may also be better off without him.

Willow2010's picture

I may be wrong, but it sounds like you were the OW...? If so, this may be some of your problem. You think he will do with her, what he did with you...?

dguiwh2334's picture

Thanks. All of you are making so much sence, and so much of it hits home.. I'm crying because I actually feel pathetic about this. I'm a strong woman, always have been.. I'm leaving work early cause I feel so sick right now... Burnet, thanks.. And I agree totally.. I guess I'm gonna bite the bullet and lay it all out, if I don't get this off my chest, its gonna keep weighing me down and bury me. DaizyDuke, that's so crazy that we are the exact same in this matter.. Everything you said is how I feel.. And I think cause I have no kids and can't have kids of my own.. I'm so happy with bf and his kids in my home, I'm also afraid of losing that. When things are good, they are so good, and when me and bf are home with the skids, I feel complete and in utter bliss, like ppl should actually envy me... And then all this bm drama stirs up.. Guys who commented, what should I say to bf to make my point without pissing him off and saying the wrong thing???

sm27's picture

I think that you should definitely sit down and talk to him. The key is in pointing out his behavior, and not attacking him as a person. However, you need to let out your feelings because it seems like what you are doing is sparing him and sacrificing yourself, for HIS happiness. You are afraid of pushing him away if you tell him how you feel, but at the same time, by not saying anything, you're damaging yourself. Because the way you act is opposite to how you truly feel, there will be conflict within yourself, which will lead to more resentment.
You need to be firm with him, and tell him how you want to be treated. If he does not comply, then you need to stick by your word, and make your actions match what you say: tell him to leave.
You posted in an earlier post that you felt like leaving so that he can see how good he has it with you, because you babysit, pay the bills, work, provide the home, etc. Why would he want to leave you? Do you really want to think someone is with you because of what you can offer them? What can HE offer YOU, besides love? And even so, he's not loving you the way he's supposed to, and you're not loving yourself either, because you're allowing yourself to be treated this way.
I'm not saying you shouldn't be with him, but if you choose to stay with him without setting boundaries, this is going to be a neverending pattern for you. You need to take charge, because he's not going to. He knows you love him, and in my opinion, he's using your love against you, because he knows you will continue to tolerate his behavior, so why would he want to change?

forever2's picture

Can you write it out to him in a letter? When my BF and I cannot talk because we are stuck on a topic, I write my thoughts. This gives me time to carefully word what I mean without emotion getting the best of me and screaming at him for making the idiotic choice of BM (which often has nothing to do with the topic, but is always how every aruguement ends up). Anyway, with a letter, you have time to construct your thoughts, maybe even have a friend or therapist read them if you are unsure, and then BF has time to read them and consider them, reread what he may not understand the first time, and then think about it before jumping down your throat. Even tell him to please read the letter...think about it for a while, then we can talk about it together tonight. Force him to take some time to think before he responds. That's my advice.

dguiwh2334's picture

Sm27... Thanks you... I guess I will tell him how I feel..again, just in more detail.. And if in the end bf chooses to leave cause I'm trying to make us work.. Then so be it. I guess he wasn't right for me after all...
I'm just so upset that this is where we are.. I don't even know how it got here, and I keep blaming myself..

dakotamom's picture

if that doesn't work change the locks, that way neither he nor BM can get in the house when you're not there!! Trying to make you laugh hon. The situation sucks but it'll teach you and BF how strong you are! Good luck!

sm27's picture

If he doesn't want to change his behavior after you tell him how it makes you feel, then at least you know that you gave it your all. I tend to see myself in you, when I first started with SO, and for years I looked for him to make me happy, when I needed to be happy with myself. You sound like you possess some great qualities, and what I see as one of the biggest things you have (and probably because I don't have it), is your own place. Since it is your place, what YOU say goes, and I don't think you're being unreasonable with what you want. I know you're trying to make it work, but is he? In your last post, you wrote that you went out in essence "to show him you don't care/teach him a lesson". In the grand scheme of things, that is a game you're playing, hoping that he will feel like he's losing you and shape up. But the way he reacted, like nothing, just shows that he's in it for himself. I think most guys would have known something was up if their girlfriends put on their favorite jeans and left to go out, then came home intoxicated and passed out. Now you're doing things to get back at him, but they aren't working and in the process you're destroying who you are, and you're sinking down to his level. Don't play that game with him. Tell him how you feel, and if he tries to get defensive, keep YOURSELF calm, and tell him that you're not yelling/attacking, you just want to have an adult conversation. He is absolutely wrong in forcing this with you, but like a poster wrote below, he probably also needs time to figure out what he wants and who he is before making anyone else happy.

dguiwh2334's picture

I would love to do counseling, but I have no insurance..
As for the letter, I could do that.. I'm not worried about yelling, just about sobbing like a baby.. Which could be just as bad...

dguiwh2334's picture

A.deville, you weren't harsh Smile bm didn't know who I was when me and bf were friends, we were mutual friends for a few years, but didn't see eachother much. Bm told me she cheated. They both told me that they were very unhappy, and had no communication.. Maybe this is what bf is used too? I do believe he and I jumped in way too soon. He and I weren't sleeping together until after he moved out and she had filed... He left cause he found letters, texts, and emails from another guy. After he moved out he found latters from ANOTHER guy.. And right after bf moved out, bm also started seeing her now bf after he left.. It wasn't until she found out about me that she "wanted bf back"

dguiwh2334's picture

Im going to lay everything out tonight... And im gonna let him sit on it for a bit.. If he chooses to not change and tell bm to back off, then yes, i see that we will not make it. it breaks my heart.

sm27's picture

Ask him why he feels like he has to cater to her (even though we know it's the whole guilt thing, and probably fear of her not allowing the skids to see him). Explain to him that once everything is done legally, she cannot withhold visitation from him (and yes, he will get visitation). Explain that the kids will not grow up damaged just because he didn't stay with BM, and he doesn't need to maintain a false facade of friendship with her for the kids if she does not respect him or his boundaries (which he needs to set with you). Tell him that you are willing to compromise with him, but don't give him too much rope.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

You mentioned earlier that you 'can't help who you love'. Then later you said something like why would he want to go back to her if she cheated on him. The answer- you can't help who you love!!! (your words) I believ women's intuition. If you have bad feelings about his relationship with bm then it is for a reason. He IS still married to her and prob still has feelings for her. I say get out. If the divorce ever gets finalized and he comes back to you then great. But wait til it happens. And for your sake I hope it does go thru.