So FSD comes over last night for her weekly visitation and she sits in the living room with FDH and I says there is something very important that we need to talk about. So FDH and I give her our full attention, and she begins to tell us how are Halloween decorations are destroying her spirit. WHAT? You went shopping with us to get the decorations, you wanted a Halloween costume to wear to school and you wanted to help me create the Halloween wreath we have on the door. So I ask who had talked to u and told that you shouldn't be ok with the few Halloween decorations we have outside. At first she says no one , but then she goes on this lecture about " as good Christians we should not have them and it's like we inviting evil in". First of all I'm not Christian, I respect everyone's rights to believe whatever they like. So I don't get offend by Halloween like stuff... I think it's all in good fun and not that serious but anyways she turns to FDH and yells.... (Yes yells) "what has happen to you"?!? I think he was in shock so I step in and told her not to ever yell at him or talk to him like that! If anyone has changed its u! Two weeks ago you were fine! You use to go trick or treating now you think it's a sin... Which is fine, but don't push that on us. I fully intend to by candy and hand it out! So I ask her again who has talked to her to make her change her mind and from I can figure out it was BM. Trying to make drama at our house. FSD then starts balling telling us how BM blaims her for the 50/50 (no child support) which is just dumb since the judge specifically told BM when she tried to argue in court that FSD didn't want to spend more time with her dad, that it didn't matter what she wanted since she's not 14. I told FSD all of that and said I'm sorry if she is making you feel that way... FDH told her it was his decision . As she continues to cry she tells us how BM bitches about taking her to volleyball practice. Which is also dumb! Practice is twice a week, she has the child every other week so she takes her 4 times a month.... Seriously and we pay for it in full!! She pays nothing just has to drop her off twice a week 5 minutes from her home. Honestly fellow step talkers, I think this bitch is angry and jealous still and just tries to find stuff to pick at FDH through her own daughter! Her daughter LOVES volleyball! Why go out of your way to be a unsupportive bitch?
- Dolphin's blog
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