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Is it just me?

Dolphin's picture

Is it just me or does anyone hate it when the skids show up on non step kid weekends/ weeks? I have no problem dealing with them when their suppose to be here but when they are not... Ugh it irks me! Specially when they just stop by to take stuff... Food, clothes ect ... We never run by BM house to get stuff! I know that's bad... I know it's his kid 24/7 but I still get irritated! Go spend quality time with your mom and we will see you next week!


lil_lady's picture

I hear you 100% that would be a huge issue for me... kids need to spend the time with their parents that they are supposed to be with! This is something we fought tooth and nail with BM over and she has just in the last couple of months started getting it. She used to try to get SD6 over at our house to drop off pictures that SD had drawn or little crafts. It was nothing but frustrating. Why is it impossible for these women to understand we should get a normal life without the exwife constantly stepping in?!

Dolphin's picture

I wish she lived that far! Then we would have these impromptu visits to get juice because they forgot theirs on their walk...

hereiam's picture

We always lived in a different part of the city than BM, thank God!

SD did show up unannounced once (brought by BM), a good year after she had stopped coming for her visitation. DH was at work and I didn't answer the door. She was told to call before coming over so that was on her.

HadEnoughx5's picture

Oh shit, yes! We share 50/50 custody. When I used to do the laundry and packed skids stuff, I would make sure EVERYTHING was brought back so there would be no reason for them to come back to our home. (which is only 5 mins from Swamps)

Now that I no longer cook, do laundry, pack or clean their rooms....they are always freaking stopping here. Or, they call DH and say Daddddddyyyyy I "forgot" something can you bring it over?

I get really pissed that they just come over, get what they want and leave. No hello, not a word. Swamp is so rude and they have learned to be plain disrespectful and DH does nothing about it.

I just hate it. It makes me :sick:

luchay's picture

Oh I would love it if they just popped in to grab something and LEFT again.....

That would be a huge step up from what happens here.

It's so hard to just have a relaxing quiet weekend at home because if we don't have concrete plans and the sd, ss or BM ring and say they want to come over he just says yes - because we had NO plans so there's no harm....

It's a public holiday here on Tuesday, so sd said she wants to come here, so he is picking them up Monday night and we have them ALL day Tuesday til 8pm. Tuesday is also my dd's 8th birthday - but did that matter? no.

Pisses me off no end.

I think this is the first weekend in about 4 months we haven't had them for at least part of it. But it's only Sunday morning so I may be speaking too soon....

RLZ0073's picture

This is why the skids do not have keys to our house. I’m also refusing to run stuff back and forth.