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SS coming to my family events

Dontcallmemom's picture

This upcoming weekend, I have an important family event to go to. It is also DH's weekend to have SS13. I would really like for DH to come with me but he said he would need to bring SS. The problem with this is that anytime SS has come with to my family events, he's been very annoying. Like more annoying than I've ever seen him. And I can tell that my family is annoyed too. It makes me feel really embarrassed. So at one point I said to myself, no more SS at my family events.

Now I'm torn. Is it really such a pain to have SS there that I would go by myself and not bring DH? My initial feeling is yes it is. I'd like to go and just relax and enjoy my time with my relatives and not worry about SS getting in everyone's business and pissing them off. Yes, SS bugs the crap out of me and that is partly why I don't want to bring him with. I don't know what the right thing to do here is. My family always says that SS is welcome to come to our events so it's purely just me that doesn't want him there.

Should I just suck it up, bite my tongue and bring him?


Dontcallmemom's picture

It's weird. At home, DH is really good with the discipline. But it seems like when we go out, he just wants to relax and hang with the adults and not worry what the kids are up to. Meanwhile I'm watching SS run amok interrupting people's games and conversations and making my family feel uncomfortable. And a lot of them are like "Who is this kid??" because we don't get to see each other they often. But yes, definitely, if I decide I need DH to be there, I will insist that he reins his son in.