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DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

Finally figured out what the issue with 15 year old SD. Ive always knew her "issues" were more than normal kid issues. I have done ALOT of research lately and I am convinced she is a sociopath. In doing research, she has all of the symptoms, minus the violence, but that doesn't have to be one. Nobody can be diagnosed with that until they are 18, however there are at least 15 things she exhibits on a daily basis that coincide with the list. And it all makes sense now. In finding this, I know the right thing to do is go to DH and discuss this, but I am tired. Living with a person like her has drained me and I am not willing to be the first one to try to make things better. She is not my responsibility. She has lost any compassion that I have with her due to the years I have had to live with the symptoms of this disorder. Has anyone else experienced living with skids with this same disorder?


DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

I believe she is a sociopath. Not psychopath. However they do exhibit similar traits. I don't feel like I am capeable in making that accusation.

Drac0's picture

I actually kept this article to give it to DW. For years she would complain about her sister but no one believed her (even her parents).I spent one afternoon alone with DW's sister and I thought something was "off". Then one day I came upon this article.

And it suddenly made sense. My SIL is definetly a sociopath. She exhibits 8 of these traits

#1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a "glow" about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.

#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very "successful" sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

#6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

#7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don't actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

#8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running "stream of consciousness" monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, "I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don't need to live in this physical realm..."

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

And she exhibits Every. Single One of these. Constantly. And its not even the fact that she exhibits every one of these, it's the manner of which she does. The lack of integrity, compassion and responsibility that this girl has is most definitely out of the norm. She is an honor student that wears many disguises. People on the outside would never think that she is a thief. Except for the people that she has stolen from including me and her father. And she is compulsive. I truly believe that is not her fault. I truly believe that there is something that prevents her in making the right decisions I truly believe she has no concern or regard for anyone. But its not a hundred percent by choice. There is something in her brain that prevents it.

DontCallMeStepmom16's picture

The diagnosis of Sociopathy before the age of 18 is Antisocial Personality Disorder. I understand all kids exhibit these traits at some point. Its the cause of this particular child to do these things is what concerns me.

Drac0's picture

Urm...AFAIK...No one, child or adult is disagnosed as being sociopath or as having a psychological disorder... Ever read a psychology report?

They're all written in this manner.

"Subject exhibits certain traits and shows a complusion to some activities that are possibly linked to (enter fancy psychobable here) behavior.

I've yet to see a report where they call a spade a spade.