Pushing limits / unsure of what to do.
My SO works nights which means I'm left with the kids shortly before bedtime. I do story time and put them to bed by 9 while their dad leaves by 8:45 at the latest and that's pushing it.
Some nights aren't a problem but then you have nights like tonight. The kids share a room because we just don't have the ability to rent a 3 bedroom. This means they have bunkbeds. The son is 4 and tiny. He knows he is NOT allowed on the top bunk or on the stairs. They know not to hang off of the end of the top bed. It's about safety. If he fell he'd get hurt and BM would raise hell.
So far tonight has gone. Heard son talking loudly went in and found him on the stairs. Then I catch him go in into the living room. I know his plan was to go look at the snake. He first tries saying he was trying to come get a hug when that didn't work he said he needed to use the bathroom and forgot where it was. I told him I knew he was going for the snake and wasn't falling for the "lost" bathroom. On the way back into his room he stops at ours. Doesn't even try the "I want a hug" and goes with "I'm scared of the train" which is not true. Then not 5 minutes later I hear him being loud again and found him hanging off the end of the bed.
I asked for his hand because I was frustrated and that's been his dad's final straw but stopped myself. I won't spank him or smack his hand. I know I can't and shouldn't. He's not my bio kid and it would cause all sorts of hell. I didn't even raise my other hand and just gently held it while I told him he was not behaving like I know he can. I don't want to put him in the corner that late because that's only going to keep him up and he doesn't want to go to bed. I don't want to shut off the movie because they are use to going to bed with it. It would punish sister also and would problay start the child going into a full blown fit which just means all of us are wide awake. I'm not sure if calling his father to have him talk to him will work because then I'm afaird he'd just keep up the behavior to get the attention even though it's negative.
Some nights within 20 minute of putting them to bed I'll walk by the room and he is passed out. I don't expect perfection and they get away with some talking as long as it's whispers but this loud enough I can hear it clearly through 2 doors.
I don't really want to move bed time up because I like them being able to say good bye to their dad before he leaves since it gives them a chance to understand where he is. The first few nights it of course upset them because their normal visitation is on his days off but of course summer is different. They are aware of dad leaving for work then if they get upset during I'm here and they know dad will be back. He doesn't just disappar while they are in bed. It also means they sleep in a tiny bit in the morning so dad can get a few hours of sleep before he needs to be up with them.
So I'm kind of backed into a corner and have no idea where to go.
To recap it's time for bed and he knows what's expected but is doing everything he can just to stay awake. I won't spank nor do I feel I should. I'm trying not to reward with attention of any kind and I don't want to also punish the daughter also or have a full blown melt down after 9 PM. We do have a routine which works some nights. We we're out of the house today and he didn't get a nap / doesn't take them anyways so I know he's tired.
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Try reading "Parenting with
Try reading "Parenting with Love and Logic" by Foster Cline and Jim Kay.
The basic premise is that all actions have consequences - good and bad. The idea is that you teach kids to figure this out on their own. Authority figures aren't the "bad guys" - the child chooses to do the right thing or the wrong thing on their own, and the appropriate consequence then happens.
There are some religious undertones to the book, but they are pretty understated. My sister used this with my niece and found it very helpful
I have a son who is on the
I have a son who is on the autism spectrum. He had a tv in his room until he was about 4. He wasn't sleeping and that was the first question the Dr asked me. I took it out and he had a fit but only for a couple of days and then went to bed with no problem from then on.
I agree with this advice.
I agree with this advice. There is no reason the children should have a source of stimulation at night like a movie. If they have a difficult time going to sleep in dead silence then try a fan in their room.. or a sound machine.. or even music playing at a low volume. Their bedroom should be quiet and restful and dark.
I remember my mom would let us read a book in bed by flashlight if we couldn't go to sleep straight away. I'm sure that there is always going to be a bit more challenge with kids who share a room, because they can wind each other up.
I would make it clear that infractions will be noted and dealt with by dad when he gets home.. and there should be some appropriate consequence for resisting bedtime.
I never allowed day time naps
I never allowed day time naps at that age..... dang if mine had to take a 20min nap I never could get him to bed before 11pm.... Thus I cut out the nap time and made sure I kept him busy with running, playing ball and what ever...
by 7pm he was already scrubbed clean in PJ's and fed... then he could play in his room for a while, usually at 7:30 he was passed out on the floor.... I simply just picked him up and put him in bed, the only draw back on this plan... kid would be awake every morning 5:30 grrrr even week ends, no sleeping late for mommy
Absolutely. 9pm is very late
Absolutely. 9pm is very late for a 4 year old, especially one who's not napping.
When my kids were young, they were great sleepers - except for my middle child. She was a TERROR. Always getting up, for everything and anything.... some nights, I'd put her back in her bed a good 20 times between 7:00pm - 11:30pm. She was 2. TWO!
Eventually, I caved and put a tv in her room with a dvd player in it that played back the dvd's in a loop - and put the Leap frog alphabet/learn to read dvd's in there for her. It was more for my sanity than anything else, since there was also a 3 1/2 year old and a 6 month old to deal with.... eventually, we moved and there was no more tv in the room.
They were always put to bed at 7pm. To encourage good reading habits, I also told them they could read until 7:30pm... eventually it moved up to 7:30 bed, 8pm reading... and I never used the bedroom as a punishment area for my kids - it ws their sanctuary, bedtime was a good thing.
Now, they're teens and loooovvvveeee their sleep. I don't tell them when to go to bed... because they're in bed by 9 usually. Weekends they're in bed by 11pm....and sleep til noon... lol
The little one, however, I kind of push SO to put him to bed by 8pm latest. That's his regular daily bedtime... and "it's important for kids to have structure, routines... " lol so I push to have him follow that. He used to let the kid be up til 10... and well, sorry my love, I'm "too tired to get busy - maybe if kid had been in bed 2 hours ago you'd have had 2 hours of fun..." and then wake up at 5... 6.... sorry love... haven't had enough sleep...maybe if kid would sleep later....so kid started getting put to bed 8pm without fail. Now, kid goes to bed at 8pm and usually sleeps until 7am. He has now, at my direction, been playing quietly in his room until 8am, when his alarm clock goes off.