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Insane Morning but I Drove Away

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I have had an oil change scheduled for my car this morning for two weeks. On the calendar.
SD11 had a birthday party to get to about the same time, again, known about for weeks. On the calendar.
Discussed plan Thurs/Fri with DP so we know the plan since we are going opposite directions.
I will go for oil change, order new dishwasher and go to Costco.
He will drop off SD9 at friends house on his way out and take care of SD11 drop off and pick up.

I get up at my one else is up...huh. SD11 comes upstairs close to on time and realizes no one else is up. They have to leave in 20 min.

As I am grabbing my final stuff all hell breaks loose. SD11 says SD9 won't get out of bed. She's awake but not moving. DP goes to get her, comes up with nothing (they are already going to be late). SD11 freaking out now. DP is upset and starts telling me that "this is way too early. You need to drop off SD9." WTF!?
Me: No. I have an appointment for my car, scheduled weeks ago. I am not missing this to go next weekend. Get your SD9 out of bed and go. I have to leave NOW.
SD11 totally freaking. She also needs to get a gift for her friend. Seriously? Why wasn't that done yeterday?!
DP comes back AGAIN without SD9. I know it's because he can't face the prospect of disturbing poor widdle SD9. SD11 realizes as does DP that they will now be really late. I leave.

Not my problem.
1) schedules known about and discussed.
2) alarm time and SD wake up time decided night before.
3) DP doesn't get out of bed until 40 min after wake up time.
4) DP doesn't want to get SD9 out of bed (she's awake)
5) SD11 needs to get last minute gift store may not even be open

Nope, none of it has anything to do with me.

Edit: SD11 and I were up till 10 watching The Hunger Games. Audio was loud but it's a Friday. DP was all upset that it was so loud (he's way sensitive unless it's his audio) and SD9 was in bed, as of about 9:55. I said, No. The movie was almost over, But I turned it down. Not enough. He wanted me to turn off good audio for TV sound. No, we have this house and rooms are separate. It's a house not a silent sleeping cell for SD9. She doesn't go to bed till 9:30 to 10 normally. He seems to not get that (he will look at clock on weeknights, realize it's 9:45 and SD9 is still up and panic). I'm goin my to bet he'll try to blame this...he will forget SD9 was wide awake. She likes hanging out in bed (like he does) in the mornings and she was just being stubborn.


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Yes! I found out after 10 last night that he never got back to SD9s friends parents about the drop off time. She asked way earlier in the day and I let DP know to get back to her. She's also a good friend of mine...I let her know what approximate time and then added, "Kids are haaard." She'll know what I mean (she has a Disney husband).