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here we go again

doormatt's picture

Well SD27 had her kids taken away from her by child services..won't go into all the details but leaving a 5 year old unnattended outside for an hour in single digit temps was the straw that broke the camel's back...of course she tells DH only part of it to make herself look like "poor me"...truth is that she has been under investigation for weeks because of several other incidents and factors...DH doesn't know about all the other incidents and i'm not going to tell him because he won't believe his eyes SD does no wrong.. DH blames soon to be ex-son-n-law who hasn't been in the same state as SD for months..whatever...needless to say when DH got the message about the kids, he has been in a foul mood ever since...he bellows about how she is the victim...she is a single mom...blah blah blah...i just look at him and make a noncommittal "mmm"" and either change the subject or go to another room. I refuse to let him engage me in this so that he can go off in a temper tantrum against me and i have to hear the "its your fault" line from him....


skylarksms's picture

I was a single mom, trying to make it through college, at the age of 20. I raised my son without the benefit of his father being around or even paying any CS until DS was almost 10.

Your kids don't get taken away on a whim. She was obviously brought up to NOT be responsible enough to care for her own child. How sad.

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes i was also a single mom by age 28 and i also had a full time job, paid all of my bills and i had no family or friends within 300 miles of me because they all live in NY. I went without so my daughter could have nice birthdays and holidays and always put her first. And now i have the best daughter you could ask for and she turned 10 today.

doormatt's picture

I agree totally. I managed to raise my 3 children by myself..well i was married by my late husband was totally physically dependent upon someone to take care of him for the last several years of his life, so I did raise them by myself as well as take care of him and the house, bills, school, work, etc...SD is lazy and used to having everything done for her. I care about the children and want to see them taken care of. I do not care about SD. I get angry because 1. the children are suffering 2. she uses things like this to drive a wedge between DH and myself. It looks like he would realize that CPS would not take girls away for an isolated incident and that his precious daughter is not perfect..he is sending her messages several times a day with " I love You sweetheart" "I miss you".. "how are you doing"...It makes me angry and nauseous...seriously shouldn't he be worried about the children. i thought that when this happened (and truthfully i knew it would from the experience i have had with her) that he would see that he is not helping her by treating her like she can do no wrong...I love my children but when they do something I feel is wrong I let them know my opinion, the relationship between DH and SD27 is twisted.

doormatt's picture

yes the child is ok...thank you for one was at home and child was locked outside alone...and still SD and DH don't get the seriousness of this...and the sad thing is they are focusing on SD and not the children....i pray that cps does not return custody to her for the sake of those children...DH needs to realize SD27 is capable of caring for herself...the children should be his main concern, but in the dozens of messages he sends her everyday, he doesn't ask about the children..only about how SD is doing...its sickening

Auteur's picture

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Married at just turned 18 and single mom at just turned 21, I was supporting myself and my daughter while going to business school/college part time. Again at age 27 I was a single parent of now two children after getting married the 2nd time (big mistake)

I managed to raise my children successfully to adulthood w/o CS and without PASing out their fathers.

Disneyfan's picture

I was a single mom as well. I worked my butt off to make sure my son was well taken care of. His dad paid CS but often it was just enough to cover day care or his tuition when he attended private school.


The comments about not getting CS reminded me of something I saw yesterday.

I was in the grocery store last night and ended up in line behind three hood rats. They were all yapping about their baby daddies not helping with Christmas. Well they started talking about how they didn't need a man or CS and how they can take care of their kids by themselves. When it was time for each of them to pay, they all pulled out benefits card (food stamps, welfare money and medicaid are on the cards).

I couldn't help laughing. By the time the third one pulled out her benefit card, I had tears rolling down my face from laughing so hard.

As soon as they left the store an old man behind me said "they have too much pride to make the sorry men pay CS, but they don't mind begging for welfare." Another woman piped in with "I bet they all live in the projects or have section 8"