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I need to cry

Doorsy's picture

Sd lack of properly doing her chores ruined Christmas dinner. A $40 roast and dh is blaming my dd for it. Here is what happened. I make a delicious crock pot roast every year with mash potatoes and asparagus for Christmas dinner. This morning I grabbed my crock pot and put it together and set it to cook all day. An hour ago I checked it and the crockpot is full of f@cking soap bubbles!! It has dish soap in it. No, I don't believe sd or anyone added soap I believe when it was washed 2 days ago sd didn't rinse all the soap out of it! I was so angry I yelled at dh and showed him and he had the nerve to ask me if I rinsed it before hand!! Can you believe that? I told him no, I normally do if I get it out of the garage but it was on the cart in the kitchen so I didn't. Dh starts yelling for my dd and asking her what she was doing with the crock pot yesterday. She said she moved it in for me and dh said bullsh@t that it was already there. Now dd is crying and saying she moved it in for me, dh is saying she messed with it and did something to it and sd is happy as can be playing on her phone. Sorry for any typos I am on my phone. We can't eat the roast. We can't go out either. We over spent our Christmas budget so it looks like grilled cheese and chips since I don't have anything defrosted. I know there are worse things in the world but I am sad and angry over this. Dh won't even consider she didn't wash it properly!! His first question was to question me and then blame my dd.


Doorsy's picture

It wasn't just a simple mistake. Sd always does a half ass job and this time it ruined Christmas dinner. I didn't even think if she had washed it last. It was a $40 plus roast that she ruined. Dh defended her instead of punishing her.

Disneyfan's picture

Your husband was wrong. But if you are thinking your SD did this deliberately, then you are wrong as well.

Try not to let this ruin the rest of your day. In a few years all of you may look back on this and laugh about it.

We always have 2 meats for dinner on major holidays. This year it's turkey and ham. I wonder if there is some crazy story behind how this became an extended family tradition.

Doorsy's picture

I know she didn't do it on purpose. She half asses things and if I had thought about it I would have rewashed it to be safe. I'm just venting and upset this happened especially on Christmas.

Doorsy's picture

I was furious when I realized what had happened. I assumed, and I was wrong that he would handle it. Now when I say something to sd she looks at dd and says she was messing with it. I told her never mind what my dd did she needs to blah blah blah. She looks all doe eyed and acts all respectful. I don't feel I can punish her right now nor how would I? She didn't purposefully do it but just half asses her chore.

Doorsy's picture

It was let go. I just came here to vent that he lashed out at dd and me instead of the person who caused dinner to be ruined. I didn't expect her to be punished just fussed at and shown that she ruined dinner and told to get her head out of her ass and to do better. I don't believe that was asking to much.

Doorsy's picture

They are both 13. When I point out how sd half asses something dh points out how my dd once did something wrong. So 3 years and 2 weeks ago dd lied so when sd lies I shouldn't get mad because my dd is a liar. Never mind the fact that my child was punished and doesn't lie anymore, I can't punish sd because my dd is a liar to.

Doorsy's picture

When dd does it half ass I step in and make her redo it. Sometimes dh catches it before me and then i have to hear about how his perfect princess did hers right and my dd is lazy. It drives me insane. I've told him i don't want to hear it anymore and he said ditto. He drives me crazy sometimes.

Doorsy's picture

I have. He doesn't notice the sock behind the toilet or he makes fun and says I have OCD. I guess expecting the cabniets wiped down after dishes is asking to much. We all have chores that are done every night to keep our house looking great. When sd half asses it the person who gets her chores next has to work harder. I made dh do them after her when we switch but he doesn't care. I don't mind as long as they get done but when she has dishes and doesn't rinse the soap out of the crock pot it ruins Christmas dinner!!

Doorsy's picture

I did. That is how Christmas dinner got ruined. I stopped caring and tried to ignore her half assing it and not care. I didn't even think to check the crockpot pot or rewashed it. So I disengaged and Christmas dinner was ruined. We had grilled cheese and chips. My $40 roast is in the trash.

evewasframed5's picture

Nothing to be done about the dinner. And I'm not sure there's anything you can do about the fact that your DD is dragged into a discussion about SD. My husband does that and it drives me nuts. I've even said, we're not talking about my DD right now, but when we're done discussing your son, we can discuss her if you like. Then he accused me of not wanting to have a conversation about her at all.
Moving forward, I'd assign the girls the same chores every week. Don't switch them.
If SD is half-butting her chores, it's easily spotted. Also, take her off of dish duty and give her something different maybe?
Good luck to you. You're in a very difficult situation. Sad

Safeplace's picture

I'm so sorry this happened to you. You should have a talk with your DH after the dust settles and 1) Have him teach his DD better work ethic (not to just half ass things and more importantly, 2) That it shouldn't be the blame game when it comes to your kids (ie HIS kid CAN and DOES do wrong too. I really hope you were able to still enjoy Christmas.

thinkthrice's picture

Your H is a guilty/disney ass but if it makes you feel any better I too had a $60 roast that was pretty much wasted. I decided to give a supposedly reputable store a 2nd chance at their new location. BIG mistake! Again, a mostly fatty roast so I had to go out and buy another roast at a more reliable store.

Doorsy's picture

The 2 cabniets doors under the sink. Water and soap gets spilled down them and you are supposed to look at the others and see if one has a spot that needs wiped. It takes less than 3 minutes