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Update to chest pain

Doorsy's picture

I took your guys advice and I sucked it up and scheduled a drs appointment. I went in yesterday for a physical. They took urine and lots of blood. The girl was not gentle with her stick either, F@cking nurse!!! They went over my history and for the last year and did an EKG. Dr came in and we talked, I got a 10 minute lecture on my weight. She listened to me breathe and felt on my chest and stomach. My blood pressure was something like 120/70 i can't remember but I know it was 120 something over 70 something. Dr said it was normal. She checked my teeth??? That was new. She made me stare at a wall while she checked my eyes by standing to the side and shining a light at them, weird. She said no pap since I had a normal one last year, again that is new?? That was it. She said she doesn't think there is anything wrong with my heart and that I didn't need a chest x ray or to go see a cardiologist. I've gone to this dr's office for 17 years and they always always always run more test. It's the main complaint of people who go there. She did refer me to a nutritionist so maybe that is her further testing. I dunno. She told me my heart is fine and I need to lose weight. She spent about 40 minutes with me which was also unusual for this practice. I feel I got my co-pays worth out of this visit but I wonder how she can tell my heart is fine without looking? DH had a small blip on his EKG years ago and they ran all kinds if tests and ultrasounds. Is it because my ekg was normal she isn't concerned?


hereiam's picture

Did you discuss with her the pain you were experiencing and what it could be, if not your heart?

notsurehowtodeal's picture

There is a connection between heart disease and gums/teeth health. I'm guessing maybe that is why she looked at your teeth?

There are new guidelines for pap smears. If you are under 30, and have no issues, it is every 3 years. If you are over 30 with no issues it is every 5 years. There is some debate as to whether these guidelines make sense for every woman.

Good news on the EKG.

suzyQ1111's picture EKG can not rule out a heart condition.
The ONLY sure fire method is a heart cath.
I had an EKG done in my doctors office because of some weird symptoms I was having.
All came back normal. Two weeks later I had a heart attack, had to have stents put in.

Rags's picture

Your BP is normal, your EKG was normal.... no need to worry about your heart IMHO.... unless there is something more than the BP and EKG information to consider. I actually go or a Nuclear Stress Test tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn. My EKGs have been normal for me but show a persistent Right Bundle Branch Block which was Dx'd in 2002 and is not an unusual finding with like 45% of the population having one.

As for the weight loss they are pushing.... DO IT! I finally have started and I feel amazing having lost ~30lbs in the past month. Only another ~100 to go.

Checking your teeth is part of a heart screening regimen these days. There is a direct link between tooth/gum health.

What got me started on this medical and health push is the results of a 3D xray I had at my dentist in December. They had to take a 3D xray because they could not get the image they needed of an abscess I had in the root of a tooth. The radiologist reviewed the 3D xray and found calcification in my left carotid artery. Calcification is used as an analog to indicate plaque build up in your arteries. So I started with my GP and am now going tomorrow for appointments 7,8,& 9 over the past 3weeks. I have seen everyone from my GP, to my endocrinologist, to my cardiologist, to my nutritionist, and will see a sleep study guy tomorrow.

I will know just about anything and everything medically in play in my body and have a path mapped out for addressing it ether medically or lifestyle wise.

I am sick of not feeling like me.

Take care of you.

Doorsy's picture

I am motivated to get my weight down!! This really scared me. Can I ask what you are doing to lose weight? My dr suggested weight watchers.

Rags's picture

My GP all but dragged me down the hallway from her office to the Ideal Protein office to get me started on that program. My bride was in the GP appointment with me and immediately jumped in with wanting to do the program together.

Here is the link to their website.

There should be an IP practice in your area .... as far as I can tell they are pretty available in most metro areas.

I am in no way affiliated with the company other than as a patient. Just to be clear.

It is working wonders for my wife and I. In the first week I lost 11Lbs and she lost 8Lbs. Women lose at a slower rate than men generally but can usually lose ~50Lbs in 4-6mos. At least that is my understanding.

Neither of us has struggled with cravings or being hungry.... so far. We have our second week check in tomorrow AM between my Nuclear Cardio Stress Test and my Sleep Study consultation. Fun fun. Take a vacation day to spend it with Doctors getting jabbe, poked, electrically monitored, etc.......

But... we are both feeling pretty amazing for being early in the program. Her goal is to lose 502 and mine is to lose 123. Our IP Doc estimates 4-6mos for my wife and 8-10mos for me.

The program is basically 3meals a day and a snack. Two meals and the snack are IP foods and the third meal is a home cooked meal or restaurant meal with some specific requirements. So far we have had no problems staying diligent.

Also so far our costs seem to be running about ~$125/wk per person for the IP foods. But... and it is a big but.... you can do the same thing if you do a protein and green vegetable diet with limited fats. We are told that the most successful people on this program are the ones who drink all of the water and eat tons of the free food green veggies. That means 10 8oz glasses of water a day and as much lettuce, and non carb veggies as you feel like. You can probably substitute more meat for the IP foods if you don't want to go the IP route.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I have mitro valve prolapse and used to have chest pains when playing. Mine was due to quick start/stops (like hitting the softball and running for base). I had to do exercises and sports that were constant activity to avoid it. I haven't had an episode in almost 20 years.

Glad you got checked out, Doorsy. Good luck with everything!

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

If you don't mind me asking what is your weight? I'm around 205, work out 5 days a week and eat pretty healthy so when someone harps on my weight as any sort of health issue I get SUPER defensive lol.

Doorsy's picture

I've always been very healthy and i am active. I just like to eat and eat junk. Why would I come on here and lie about my issue while asking for help? That would defeat the purpose of asking for advice. I could have lied about my weight but I put it out there knowing I'd be judged. Thanks for being the a$$hole that judged.

Doorsy's picture

I knew the dr would lecture me. I need to lose weight. I'm 5'8 and I'm in a size 22 pants and 2x shirt. I've never been this big before and I needed some motivation. She gave me some good tips. She wasn't rude or mean about my weight like fruitsalad just was. Talk about hurtful when I put myself out there asking for help.

Doorsy's picture


onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

It takes an extra special type of crazy to fat shame someone you've never seen.

Weight lifting really helped me get the weight off, I was around 290 2 years ago.

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

Started at 286... I hover between 205 and 210. I go to Jazzercise 3-4 times a week and do weight lifting at home and at the gym by my house. It seriously sped up like crazy when I started weight lifting instead of just cardio. I use the myfitnesspal app to track calories and that's it.

Doorsy's picture

I already lost 1 pound!! Instead of soda yesterday I drank lots of water with drink mix added in for flavor. After dinner, which I only ate half of, i went out and mowed the lawn. I'm sure it was just water weight but I am in the 60's now and not the 70's. I feel motivated!!

onwednesdayswewearpink's picture

Yeah that's a big thing..: if I buy snack food I will eat it all after the kids go to bed so I don't buy any lol

hereiam's picture

That's great, Doorsy, keep it up! Little changes add up to a lot and make it easier to become changes for life.

Have you tried LaCroix sparkling water? It comes in different flavors and it's really good and refreshing. I haven't drank soda in years but every now and then, I want something with a little fizz. Club soda with fresh lemon or lime juice is good, too.