feeling drained
Well drained and wiped .... new here and will be more later.... sson is really getting on my nerves and well would probably be better if i didn't do this in front of him so more later
thanks for the acceptance....
- dowd1250's blog
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We are all ears
Jump in, when you can!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
I hope we can be of service to you. There are a lot of insightful people here. Some are, well some are and I will leave it at that. I see that you are a SF and I can say that Rags would be a very good person to bend his ear. Maybe PM him if it is too private as he offers great male perspective. (Rags I hope it's okay that I am recommending you. I hope you see it as a compliment
Anyways, welcome and I hope you can get some useful information for your situation.
Anyone can take the easy way out and blame others. BUT it takes a a person of character to take a look at one's self and actions and own responsibility for their part. ~ ME ~ }:-P