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Drac0's picture

ooh it is so good to be home! Have to post this in the comments.


Drac0's picture

So while I was away, SS lost his house key. Again.

He didn’t want to admit to losing it so for two days, he left the house through his bedroom window and hopped over the backyard fence. Don’t ask me how he managed to climb out of his bedroom and be able to shut the window behind him. I wouldn't be able to do without a third arm.

Anyways, this plan of SS worked only as good as Tuesday when DW came home to find SS sitting in the driveway waiting for someone to come home to let him in. When DW asked why he was sitting outside, that is when SS admitted that he lost his key.

“Well how did you leave the house locked in the morning?” DW asked.

That’s when SS said that climbed out of his bedroom window. DW was none to pleased and ordered him to find his house key. SS looked for it half-heartedly and simply gave up after a few minutes.

“Drac0 left his house keys behind.” DW said. “Until you can find your key, you can use his, but you better not lose Drac0’s key or there will be hell to pay!”

“What do you mean?” SS said.

“I’m going to let Drac0 decide your punishment if you lose his key.”

Apparently, the mere thought of having a punishment being left up to the evil stepdad was a thought that SS simply could not shoulder, so he made this brilliant suggestion.

“Mom? How about, I borrow your house key and you can borrow Drac0’s?”

Well DW just about lost it on SS. “Oh so what you are saying is that it is OKAY to lose my keys, but you are too scared to lose Drac0’s!?!?”

When DW told me this on the weekend, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“How dare he think of me as the ‘soft parent’?” DW asked.

Urm. Because you are? I thought.

“Maybe it’s because he is so used to you bailing him out of his mistakes.” Was all I said.

This was yet another one of those brief moments of clarity for DW.

As for SS. He found his house key….after DW yelled and screamed at him for an hour straight!

Drac0's picture

I think what bugs me the most is that SS *can* be a good kid if he was held to task and be held accountable for poor/bad decisions. At the moment, DW bails him out of one jam after another (because she still suffers from "guily parent" syndrome) but all that is teaching my SS is that he doesn't have to work, or remember to do things or clean up after himself, etc. DW does gets moments of clarity but...I guess it is hard for her to shake off the guilt?

Drac0's picture


He has that (a Lanyard) and he still loses it!

Dtzy, when I was younger, I used to wear my house key around my neck. I kept it around my neck until I was about 15. That's how paranoid I was of losing it. I never lost my keys.

Heck, I even installed one of those key ring hooks right beside the door. Every day, me and DW put our keys on the hooks there. We keep telling SS to do the same!

ltman's picture

The GSS20 that lives with us has this same problem. Part of it is due to being add and scared to take anything for it. Long story. He has had to wait until someone got home. Once I was 4 hours away and dh was out of town. Mosquitoes made a meal of him. He found his key.