DW goes all "Norma Bates" on SS
Yeah, if my life was a movie, the dude at the rental store would have a hard time trying to classify it. Is it a comedy? Or is it a horror? Because it shares the attributes of both.
Last weekend was one of those rare weekends where SS was with us. SS asked if he could have some friends over. DW said he could but only if he helps us clean the house.
Apparently, “cleaning the house” means playing on his iPad and trying on some Halloween costume he got. I was less than pleased, and I was about tell SS that unless he actually does some ACTUAL cleaning, I was going to call his friends myself and tell them not to come over…
But then DW got all hot and excited when she found out that one of the friends that SS wants to bring over is Vicky,…(aka “the-not-my-girlfriend-friend). Honestly I don’t know what to call her. In the past year since I found out about her, I have seen her all of once. Solar eclipses are more common than sightings of Vicky. Although if social media is to be believed, Vicky and SS are an "item".
Anyways, when DW found out that Vicky was coming over, she started jumping up and down as if we were about to get a visit from Justin Timberlake, or Chris Hemsworth. Suddenly the house didn’t just have to be clean, it had to be prepared for this gala event.
DW asked me to go get some candies and snacks. I was going to do so anyways since Halloween is coming up but then DW asked me if I could swing by the liquor store.
I think it was around here where this parable goes south.
The liquor store that I frequent was having a sale. So I decided to stock up.
I should know DW well enough that when DW is excited over something, giving her access to lots of alcohol is a recipe for disaster, as was evidenced on our last camping trip.
Okay, now that I have set the stage, let’s fast forward to the evening.
I hardly said more than two sentences to Vicky. The extent of my conversation with her was “Hello! How are you?” and “Would you like something to drink?”. Apart from that, I allowed SS and his friends some QT alone time in the basement, playing XBOX, looking at some YouTube videos, sharing stuff they found on their cells, hanging out, etc. It was just SS, Vicky and two other teen boys. They all seem to know each other quite well and were chit-chatting about this and that and seemed content to just hang out.
Little BS and BD were quite enthused with the visit and took a shine to SS's friends and spent most of the evening in and out of the basement. I would go down now and then to check on them and each time, there was nothing amiss.
DW OTOH….If you have been reading my blogs with any kind of regularity you will know by now that DW fancies herself as the “cool Mom” who can hang out with the teens. Unfortunately, a few glasses of the vino, topped with an overwhelming spike of curiosity say Vicky getting “cornered” by DW more than once.
“Ooh Vicky! I love your earings?! Wanna see mine?”
Vicky – for her part – was a true champ in trying to humour the mother of her her boyfriend.
Except it gets worse as the evening went on and DW downed more glasses.
“I am SOOOOO happy SS hash you as his girlfwiend….I think you are really *hic* sweet. SS is sweet too but he better tweet you nice. He tweets you nice wight? He don’t tweet you nice you come see me okay? You can come see me for ANYTHING okay? ANYTHING at all….”
I tried twice, in the nicest way possible to hint that DW wasn’t just being a generous hostess anymore, but that she was being intrusive – in a creepy way. I could see it in Vicky’s face; the nervous, yet polite smile…SS (the oblivioys bleeping idiot that he is) didn't notice this at all, as he was spending most of his time oooing and gushing over some lame video the guys found on YouTube (and for once it wasn’t soft porn with zuchinnis).
At one point, it got late and BD wanted me to put her to bed and tell her a story like I normally do. So off I go to put BS and BD to bed. I ask DW to come help me. She never came, but continues to “hang out” with SS and his friends thinking she is one of the gang...
Later, I pull her to one side and say, in as polite a way as possible “I think you’ve had enough fun DW. Let’s leave SS and his friends alone now.”
DW stares at me momentarily. I am careful not to start an argument with her when she is in this state because that just sends her off the deep end – if she is not off the deep end already. In any case, I know I shouldn’t care.
I just really felt sorry for poor Vicky.
So I just give up and retreat upstairs to lie in bed and play with the laptop.
Four teens and DW were downstairs and DW was the loudest. Every now and then I can hear her lauging and shouting “Wooohooo!”.
Then the phone rings…
I check the clock. It’s 10pm. Who the hell could that be? I answer phone.
“Hello? Is this SS’s father?”
“Actually I am Drac0. SS’s stepfather.”
“Oh! What a coincidence! Hi Drac0! I’m Bill, Vicky’s stepfather…”
And in my head I am thinking “Stepfather!? Holy crap! I now know twice as much information on Vicky than DW does!”
“Drac0, I am sorry to call so late, but Vicky just texted me to ask if she could stay at your place a little while longer. I just wanted to confirm with an adult if it was okay.”
‘Confirm with an adult?' I guess that means me.
“Yes Bill. It’s totally fine. Vicky, SS and – urm – my wife – are all downstairs having a good time.”
“Well that’s good to hear. I’ll text Vicky and tell her she can stay another hour. Have yourselves a good night!”
About 10 minutes after that phone call, I can hear some more laughing from DW. I can also hear SS shouting “Mom! Stop it Mom! Mom! Go AWAY!”
Suddenly, SS, Vicky and the other two boys bolt up the stairs like a herd of elephants and leave by the patio door. I was a bit unnerved by it because I was scared they were going to wake BS and BD. I go downstairs to find DW slumped on the couch.
I don’t know where SS and his entourage went but it was obviously to escape from DW. I go up to her and tell her that the kids are gone. DW looks up at me, smiles and and says “It's okay they’ll be back.”
Except they didn’t come back. They were gone for over an hour and it was around midnight before SS returned..I am certain Vicky and the other two made it back home safely.
Will we see Vicky again? Probably not before the next scheduled solar eclipse.
- Drac0's blog
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To be honest, I had a feeling
To be honest, I had a feeling that DW would act this way because she has been probing SS for information on his relationship for months now and cannot understand why SS is tight-lipped.
It's a weapon I keep in my arsenal. When SS is being a PITA, I'll ask about Vicky. Doing that is like spraying the air with "SS Raid!". He suddenly finds something else to occupy himself and goes away.
Hmmm wondering if DW took
Hmmm wondering if DW took Vicki's phone and texted Vicki's stepdad herself asking if "DW's peer group" could stay awhile longer?
Can't imagine Vicki saying she wanted to stay longer with DW hanging over them--unless she thought it would take up to an extra hour for DW to go away. . .
Your DW is JUST LIKE the BM in my case. TOTALLY thinks of herself as BFF to her children and a "cool mom." Vicarious 6:12
At least she didn't throw up
At least she didn't throw up on them, which is where I thought the story might be headed.
DW has been drunk out of her
DW has been drunk out of her skull twice as much as I have since I've known her and she NEVER pukes.
Me on the other hand? I go one cap-full of Bud Light over my alcohol limit and I'm puking bits of undigested meals from a week ago!....
It's not fair I tell you!
she NEVER pukes. A little
she NEVER pukes.
A little ipecac can fix that!
Now I am thinking of that
Now I am thinking of that Family Guy episode!
Sweet baby jesus.... Did you
Sweet baby jesus....
Did you find out what DW did to prompt the "Mom! Stop it Mom! Mom! Go AWAY!" from SS? I hope in the clear light of day (and hopefully sober) your DW is embarrassed at her behavior...
"I was just kidding around
"I was just kidding around with him"
Seriously, that's all I got out of that incident. Not sure if DW was embarrassed but I am betting she was because she was very silent the next day and hardly said a word to SS.
Yeah, if she won't even tell
Yeah, if she won't even tell you what she did then I'm betting she's embarrassed as hell. Good, maybe it'll keep her from doing it again.
Is she this codependent with your other kids, your bios together?
>Is she this codependent with
>Is she this codependent with your other kids, your bios together?<
Not really. I mean, she loves them to bits and will smother them with hugs and kisses but no more than any other mother with her kids. Neither BS nor BD are needy children. In fact, both of them are fiercely independant. BD gets a little clingy when she's under the weather but most of the time, "Scrounger" and the "Cooler King" are hatching a plot to escape.
Thank goodness! Although if
Thank goodness! Although if your bios are independent sorts, then your wife is in for a surprise when she tries to "hang" with your daughter and her friends. }:) Teen girls in particular (at least all my friends growing up!) do not tolerate Mom trying to pretend she's "one of the gang".
oh my......
:jawdrop: oh my......
My guess is she started to
My guess is she started to hug him or take the video game control wanting to play.
Too bad she did this. No kids coming over for a while....mommy has to much mommy juice in her.
Doing that is like spraying
Doing that is like spraying the air with "SS Raid!"
I think I would shame DW just for fun for a bit. (I would do the to my DH if he did something that asinine.)
Next time you see her, ask if she made a pass at one of the boys when she was drunk and made them all run out. lol. Something to get under her skin so she can stop doing things like that. Poor SS. lol
Soooo...... Has it occurred
Soooo...... Has it occurred to you that your wife might actually be an alcoholic? I might be just lacking some serious information but I don't recall there ever being a comment from you that DW has ever had One glass of wine, One beer..... It seems like if it's available, it's always to excess. Some of that might have some impact on D w feeling the need to Disney parent.... The next day Oh Crap, what did I do, I have to make it up to them! Just a thought. Maybe you just haven't felt the need to comment on the one glass nights.
Thirding this. This incident
Thirding this. This incident coupled with the "Late to pick up SS incident" make me wonder. Not trying to offend, Drac0. Just wondering.
I don't drink anymore either.
I don't drink anymore either. Things got out of hand a few too many times back in the day, so I quit.
I always read your blogs and
I always read your blogs and the responses because our situations are VERY similar... we have this in common too. Lol.
LadyFace - Nah, I can see why
LadyFace - Nah, I can see why people asked (and I admit it crossed my mind as well). "Drowning your sorrows in wine" isn't really a good life-strategy whether you're a SM or BM, or any other kind of M.
It's the level of excess combined with the presence of the kids that I think are cause for concern. Getting hammered in front of your kids isn't *usually* an aspiration for moms - so if she's doing that, it could be cause to wonder if it's something she's having trouble controlling. (And in the other story, she was getting hammered *instead* of picking up her kid - in effect choosing the wine over her child.)
Sorry Drac0. I'm not saying she IS an alcoholic, just saying I can see why people might wonder.
*LOL* LOL If anyone accused
LOL If anyone accused my wife of being an alcoholic, I know EXACTLY how she would respond.
"I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk! Alcoholics go to meetings!"
I don't drink. I also don't
I don't drink. I also don't comment much on the blogs or responses that include a lot to do with alcohol. Several of the SM's here have admitted to having drinking problems. Alcoholism is sadly pretty common. But I've never been the person on here telling someone to go get another bottle of wine to make it thru the weekend. So I'm not sure what you think I'm protesting?
I was not trying to be offensive to Draco about this.... But this, the family weekend party, what last weekend, the weekend before? The camping trip? His comment in the above that says he knows it's a bad idea to have it available? I'm not being a bitch. I'm asking a serious question. Much like sm's her ask their husbands or point things out to them about the skids. Because sometimes when you're too close to it, you can't see it.
>Has it occurred to you that
>Has it occurred to you that your wife might actually be an alcoholic?<
Eh...Depends who you ask.
I mean, take a good look at me. I'm a part-time beer aficionado. I love it, love it, love it! Before I discovered the App, I used to keep a written journal of the different beers I’ve sampled. I used to have a bottle of beer or two every day before the doctor said that if I continue with this habit, I might develop gout. She never said I was an alcoholic though. So I cut back a lot, limiting myself to “light beers” mostly and only splurging on special occasions. I may get really wasted 2 to 3 times a year.
Some of my friends and colleagues think I’m a serious drinker
some think I am drunk
some think I am an alcoholic who should start going to meetings
The relatives on my father’s side thinking I have serious problem and should cut down
The relatives on my mother’s side think I’m a light weight (and should drink MORE).
My Friend from Denmark doesn’t understand how I can stand living in country that still has alcohol laws that are holdovers from the prohibition days.
There's several actually!
There's several actually!
It totally depends on
It totally depends on perspective and that's cool. I don't know how much your wife drinks, how much you drink and I don't need to know. I was posing a question because it seemed like it might be Possible.
According to the CDC, a woman is a heavy drinker if she drink more than one drink a day, 8 or more in a week and is binge drinking with 4 or more a day. That is the US medical guideline.
I just thought it might be helpful for you to consider, because maybe you never had, if perhaps that might influence the way in which DW interacts with SS or her own emotional state around dealing with him.
Your friend from Denmark
Your friend from Denmark cracked me up! I'm a Brit living in the US and in constant alcohol frustration.. Why can I not get a bottle of wine from a major supermarket in this state yet I can buy a gun?
Tell your mate from Denmark that being an ex pat keeps things interesting - when you can find a place to buy it, wine is a lot cheaper state side.![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
My friend from Denmark spent
My friend from Denmark spent some time in San Francisco, (or San Diego). Apparently the bars stop selling alcohol at midnight but stay open until 3am. He called me to tell me about it and yelled "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?!" .... As if I had something to do with the alcohol laws of that area. LOL
These are good
These are good definitions!
I'll add a couple more:
"Miller Time" drinkers: These are drinkers who will only drink at the end of a long work day, never during the middle of the day (even at lunch time). Beers, wine are the drinks of choice at meal times, followed by a couple more just before bed time.
Binge Drinkers: These folk normally don't touch alcohol except at special occasions. Then, they can easily be confused with alcoholics or drunks.
Refined Drinkers: These people will only drink a particular brand or a particular type of alcohol and only under specific circumstances. (i.e. "I only drink lagers before suppertime". "If we are having grilled steak then we need a bottle of Bordeaux".)
"Three-Martini Lunch" drinkers: This is a variant of the social drinker. These drinkers are will only drink at lunchtime during the work week. It's the only time they can drink because after work they have other responsibilities (i.e. long drives) where consumption of alcohol is difficult.
Closet drinker: Will never drink in public, at parties, etc. for fear they might be ridiculed or judged. Instead, they'll drink alone or only with one or two close friends/spouse.
Office Christmas Party/ Winter Solstice Drinkers: This is a variant of the Binge Drinker. These people are normally very conservative and normally don't drink, except on this one special occasion where they drink like the world was ending tomorrow. These people are particularly dangerous because they have absolutely no moral quandaries and no inhibitions when they are drunk.