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Drac0's picture

“Frozen”. Great movie. It deserved the academy award for best animation IMHO. I watched it with BS and BD on the weekend. Although the movie didn’t hold their attention for long, it’s become one of those “repeat” movies that they ask to watch over and over again.

Spoiler Warning!

So yesterday, the kids wanted to see it and we put it on. Now SS, has never seen the movie before, and I swear, you would think he was watching CNNMoney.

“Is she a witch?”
“How come one sister can cast magic spells and the other can’t?”
“What does Coronation mean?”
“Does she become evil?”
“When do we see the talking snowman?”
“Wait! How did the parents die? Were they killed?”
“Hey isn’t he the boy at the beginning of the film?”
“How do you make a castle out of ice? Is that even possible?”
“Why does the snowman wish it was summer? Is he stupid?”
“Why do the trolls want them to be together?”

And DW wonders why I don’t like watching any movies with him.


tryingmom's picture

Aaarrrggghhhh!!! Same thing with the skids. Ummm, if you pay attention and wait, all your questions will be answered. :?

Drac0's picture

>if you pay attention and wait, all your questions will be answered.<

Last time we said that to SS, he broke down and cried. Sad

DaizyDuke's picture

My little sister used to do this crap all the time. My Dad's standard answer was "I don't know, I've seen just as much as you have, just keep your mouth shut, pay attention and I'm sure you'll find out"

steplife's picture

Ugh the questions are infuriating. My SD7 does this, but what's more annoying to me is her trying to cite the entire script of the movie out loud while watching it. I tell her "We can watch a movie if you promise not to talk during the whole thing. We would like to hear the movie not your voice."

She goes the premier of every single movie with BM when they come out on her weekend. If it comes our on our weekend she will still go the following week. I swear SD has been to the movies at least 100 times in her life. I remember going to the movies 3 times by the time I was 10. BM took her to see Frozen 4 times in the theater.

DH and I never take her to the movies because it's not a "treat" anymore and she has a spoiled attitude about going. We sometimes rent it when it comes out, then SD tries to tell us everything that's going to happen throughout the movie.

Drac0's picture

Wow! BM must be loaded!

If I go to the movie premiere just once a month, I fall behind on my mortgage payments.

steplife's picture

BM just likes to waste money on frivolous crap! SD goes to the Disney store all the time too with her. I think just so BM can tell SD "I loooove you so I'll take you to the movies, buy you this, etc. anytime" oh and "You're dad's too poor to take you anywhere/buy anything". SD has been to Disney 4 times already with BM and is "Sick and tired of going to Disneyland", her words. We live in the middle of the U.S. so it's not close. SD told me "This year I'm making my mom take me on a Disney cruise, I've had enough of Disneyland".

My BM is literally a Disney parent.

And movies at $10 a ticket. What a waste of money.

Then BM decided not to get insurance for SD dental/vision that she is COd to carry (we carry medical) and harasses DH for money for it. Maybe you could afford those bills if you spend more time getting the insurance and less money at the movies, store , etc.!