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Project? What project?

Drac0's picture

Dear Drac0,
I am writing to inform you that SS's reading log was due last Friday. He did not hand it in. I reminded him on Monday that it was due and that this project was very important for this semester's grade. I gave him until Tuesday to hand it in. It is now Thursday and he still has not handed it in. I've attached all the pertinent information concerning this project in this email. If you could please talk to SS and emphasize the importance of this project, I would greatly appreciate it.
SS's English Teacher

When DW called me at lunch yesterday, I read to her the email.

To say DW was furious would be an understatement. She actually left work early so that she could confront SS as soon as he got home.

Oh how I would have loved to have seen the fireworks.

DW only told me bits and pieces of what she said to SS, but she was absolutely livid. SS was hunkered down in his room crying (reset water works meter)and refused to come out for supper.
DW opened the door to his room and told “Not only are you going to come out for supper, but you are going to wash the dishes and clean the WHOLE kitchen. AND STOP CRYING!!!”

SS came out and sat at the table with his head down.

DW chewed him out a little bit more and then said that he is not to go to bed until this project is finished.

I did not say a word.

Tonight, DW has a girl’s night out. I was thinking of driving her to the bar and then slipping her a $20 so she can get a cab ride home.


Drac0's picture

It was beautiful!

I didn't have to say a word to SS yesterday. I was contemplating whether I should or shouldn't but DW was on a rampage.

It's been a long time coming.

Although, I do suspect that one of her colleagues at work may be a factor in this. DW routinely complains about this guy who she works with who actually sleeps at his desk, fills in his reports with mistakes or is incomplete, is constantly forgetful, etc...I said "Hmm. Sounds like an older version of SS."

I think that may have stung a little.

Drac0's picture

At parent teacher interviews I gave the teachers my name and number and told them to please email me in case something was up. They email DW too, but DW works at a call center and they do not allow her access to the internet and she is not allowed using her cell phone, except on lunch break.