Skids and homework
Do you help your skids out with their homework?
a) Yes. I stay on top of it. Every day I ask about their homework and if they need help. I am very actively involved in their studies.
b) Yes I help out sometimes if they come and ask me.
c) I did try to help them out once. But either my efforts to help failed or I was unappreciated. So now days I just don’t bother. Maybe I’ll help – if they ask me nicely – maybe.
d) No. Should they ask me, I tell them to go see SO. Skids and their studies is of no concern to me.
I think most of you know my answer is a. I spent 3 hours last night helping SS out on a project. Poor kid was exhausted after we were done.
Long story short. I cam home to find DW screaming at SS. It would seem SS had two projects due this week; Science and History. He *could* have worked on this weekend but chose to procrastinate instead.
So I sequestered him for three hours. It was just him, me and the laptop in our basement. In that time, I gave SS a crash course on Philosophy, The Odyssey, Thales Theorem, the Scientific Method, and Greek Mythology.
Some of you reading this are probably asking the same thing DW asked me afterwards “How on earth did you do that?”
Science and Greek Mythology is my bread and butter. I studied these subjects for fun. Hence why I’m a geek.
- Drac0's blog
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Yeah that is one thing I
Yeah that is one thing I learned. If one parent is helping, the other should butt out. Even if the information is non-conflicting, trying to absorb information from two sources is just way too much for the child.
Good on your SD to know how
Good on your SD to know how to apply the "Daddy filter". How old is your SD again?
That's terrible. Donkeykong
That's terrible. Donkeykong has SS every weekend and his version of "helping" SS is to basically yell "DO YOUR HOMEWORK OR ELSE!" over and over until SS produces something.
Makes me wonder if one day SS is just gonna look at his Dad and say "Okay. I choose 'else'." What's Donkeykong gonna do then?
I'm with you Ladyface. Nothing to me is more important than education. The idea was firmly implanted in my head by my own Dad who did things to me that my DW is convinced is tantamount to abuse (Dad actually had me break into the school in order for me to retrieve homework that I forgot), but I didn't get this far without my Dad's push.
if they actually DID any
if they actually DID any homework, i'd go for B. i dont mind helping.
dumbass is really an idiot, she doesnt follow up on anything. OSS15 is now in summer school due to her awesome interest in his education and her stellar attendance policy... MSS13 is just naturally book-smart, so he gives no issues. YSS9 just doesnt feel like doing it, so he simply doesnt.
she used to try to force him to do his homework, which would result in total meltdowns and phone calls to DH to "make him do it" - um, ok? so from 30 miles away DH says "YSS, sit down now and do what you're told. call me if there's something u dont' understand." which actually did work some of the time. DH has more authority over the phone than she has in person- wow... sorry for the tangent- but she really IS an idiot... anyway, all that chaos has pretty much stopped, i think she just gave up. when they're with us DH will go through his backpack, and if YSS has homework, DH will sit his ass at the table to do it until its done. but that's still like DH pissing into the wind if 2/3rds of the time YSS gets away with refusing...
QUOTE: >I'm done.< Hope it's
QUOTE: >I'm done.<
Hope it's for real this time. I hate being teased.
Goodbye and good ridance.
LMAO!!! Lol
LMAO!!! Lol
are u two actually related
}:) are u two actually related IRL?
ya'll quarrel like close-in-age siblings!
ETA and both with the uncanny ability to REALLY push eachother's buttons!
LOL out of all the ugly,
LOL out of all the ugly, creepy subjects on this site, the few things that both get their blood going is their mutual disdain for each other.
Funny you brought back
Funny you brought back memories of when me and my brother used to fight...
Maybe I should change my name from "Drac0" to "Echo's push bug" LOL
I never had this issue since
I never had this issue since by the time DH would pick stepdevil14 up for visitation, it was always after he got off work, so she had time to go home and do her homework first.
I was A for many year....then
I was A for many year....then I have slid to a C when my efforts were not only unapreciaged but I was chastised for them. I haven't seen the skids do I lick on how in over two years....they allegedly do it at after school care.
Skids only come over EOWe,
Skids only come over EOWe, when we ask about school/homework/responsibilities we get the blank stares. We'd help if they had (or remembered having) any homework. BM doesn't check their bags and they just tell her no if she asks, so its on her. She is lazy and has raised those boys handing them their excuses. SS10 has a chance to fail 4th grade, 4 days left of school and no one over there knows whether the kid is actually failing or passing. SMDH
A. I usually help SS because
A. I usually help SS because I have more of a teacher in me than SO does. SO is very smart but he has no idea how to explain it to a 5 year old. If I leave it to him, he usually gets frusturated and then SS gets frusturated. I will admit. I am controlling. So I love that SO lets me do it. Then I KNOW it gets done and it gets done right!
I really don't fit in to any
I really don't fit in to any of the above choices. Homework is a huge issue in our house. We have SS8 on weekends only and since homework was issued on Monday and due on Friday, it was BM's responsibility to see that it was done. DH found out at parent/teacher conferences that SS hadn't turned anything in in 3 weeks and that BM was well aware of this but did nothing. DH immediately made arrangements for homework to be sent home on Friday so that we could see to it that it was done over the weekend. Now comes the issue. While DH was seeing to it that everything was finished, he wasn't always ensuring that it is done correctly or to the BEST of SS's ability. He wasn't checking to see if the math problems were done right, they weren't, and he was allowing SS to pick level 1 books to read when he is fully capable of level 2 and some level 3. While I do feel that I could do a better job when it comes to getting homework done, I do not feel that it is my responsibility when DH does not work weekends and I do. I am however, working with DH on how to better assist his son with homework. Meaning, DH needs to turn off the TV and be "present" when homework is being done. Meaning, HELPING SS do his math - not doing it for him because SS acts like he doesn't know how. Meaning, having SS pick level appropriate books to read and sitting with him to assist with difficult words and to verify comprehension. DH is a very intelligent man, has his college degree and has a very good job. I feel that it is important that he shows his son that having good study habits will help SS achieve what DH has already achieved. BM sure as hell isn't a good role model and I'll be damned if DH won't be! Now, I will help out with homework when available and when needed, especially an any "projects" but my main involvement with SS's learning is in the "experiences". I am the one that takes him on various trips to get his curiosity going. I am the one that takes him to museums to help teach him about science and history. I am the one that takes him to various festivals to teach him about different cultures. I am the one that takes him on walks in the woods to teach him about nature. One of my proudest days of being a SM was the day I taught him how to fish. So I think "involved" but not "responsible" is the best explanation I have.