SS's friend expelled from school for drug possession
SS’s friend (the one that came over twice on the first week of school before I warned DW that I would drive him back home and speak to his mother if I ever saw his face on a school night again) got expelled from the school.
The school does random locker searches and found drugs in his locker.
SS’s friend says it doesn’t belong to him. The school has a zero tolerance policy. If you are found to be possessing, you get kicked out. End of.
DW and I only found this out through the grapevine. Apparently when something like this happens, it becomes the talk of the school (if not the whole town).
DW asked SS if he knew about this.
SS just replies “Yeah.”
“And why didn’t you tell us anything?”
SS’s only reply to that was a shrug.
DW asked SS if he has ever been around people who uses drugs or if he himself tried any.
SS said no.
I slapped my forehead on that one. I mean c’mon DW! I tried some pot at a party once when I was 21. I am 44 years old now and my parents still don’t know about it. That is not the kind of thing you divulge to your parents no matter how “close” you are.
“Well I better not find out that you have been using!” was all DW said to SS.
I couldn’t sleep last night. I mean, deep down, SS is a good-hearted kid but I do not trust his judgment. Tonight, DW is taking SS to his appointment with the child therapist. When they are gone I am searching his room. I’m positive I won’t find anything, but part of me is scared of how I’ll react if I do find something.
- Drac0's blog
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Yeah I know... Apparently a
Yeah I know...
Apparently a mutual friend put it there.
Now, it would surprise me that SS's friend is a user. It WOULD NOT surprise me if this "friend" convinced SS's friend to give up his locker combination.
Yeah I agree 110%. I think
Yeah I agree 110%. I think this is the most likely scenario.
Well...To me there is a
Well...To me there is a difference between an "air head" and a "pot head". SS's friend is the former, not the latter.
Ha ha! Thing is, I'm not a
Ha ha!
Thing is, I'm not a smoker, so smoking weed would have no effect on me since I'll be doing it "wrong". I really don't "get" smoking period. It's as alien to me as the project initiatives of our marketting department.
I'll take a brownie!
I'll take a brownie!
Nah, it would stunt his
Nah, it would stunt his growth. As long as he's tall, he's drug-free
draco, i dont know if your ss
draco, i dont know if your ss is intelligent enough for this, but make sure to search common areas of the house.
my brother knew well enough to NOT stash stuff in his room. so he hid it inside a white vase w/ silk flowers that my smom had in the dining room.
I don't know that your SS is
I don't know that your SS is intelligent enough to pull off purchasing pot, hiding pot, smoking pot all without getting caught, but I damn well believe that if his bestest buddy was smoking dope, so much so that he brought it to school with him? Then your SS has damn well been smoking WITH him.
What is with kids bringing this crap to school? Sure kids smoked dope when I was in HS, but it was only at parties. They weren't kicking back and smoking on a daily basis (like my SS15) and bringing the shit to school?! Geesh!
I had a lot of friends who
I had a lot of friends who smoked pot and I never did...