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DH is as bad as the Skids!

Dreamer's picture

When DH got home last night I told him about the air conditioner and that the skids were lying and blaming it on a girl who spent the night over a month ago! DH! got pissed at me!!! He didn't like that I sent the girls to their room and told them that they had to remain there and remain scilent till their father got home.

I told him it was b/c they were caught in yet another lie and that he knew they were lying! DH said I was taking it to far. I told him that they were told that when they could tell the truth they could talk and come out of there room and not until then.

DH went off the handle and said it was my fault they were on constant restriction and that I'm to knit picky! I reminded him that he came up with the restrictions not me and that I'm the one that inforce them since I am at home. The fight went over for aver 30 minutes and finally I got up and told him I give up.

We have a dry erase board we write the punishments on, well I ripped it off the wall and threw it at him. Said fine inable your kids but that when they go to jail or hurt someone then no one could blame it on me. And what could he say for himself?

Then I went to the girls room and told them that I would not socialize with liers and that when they were ready to tell the truth I would listen, but until then they were not to talk to me, be near me, or touch anything I own. And that their restriction was over that their BM and BF didn't give a damn if they killed anyone so to feel free and distroy everyone elses lives that you happen to enter!

Oh DH took it apon himself to tell them they were on restriction. The same restriction they were originally on! They same one he bitched at me for inforcing. The same one that he originally put them on!! So I guess it's ok for them to be on restriction but only on his terms and standerds!

I wouldn't even eat dinner with them. I cooked it, put it on the table, and fixed me a plate and left the room. I told DH that his kids do everything to push me out of my own family and now he does too so I'll stay out of their way. DH told me I was being a horses ass. I told DH to get a Nanny or pay me $300 a week to be one since he doesn't think I contribute to the house.

Then this morning I got up at 5am and fixed him a very nice breakfast. Then asked him if that would be all master. Treat me like a Nanny and Maid and thats what you'll get.

Then the Skids woke up and saw him eating and dared to ask me what they were eating. I put a box of cereal on the table and left the room. I told DH that he couldn't afford a cook for the kids too.

For lunch they can eat Ramen Noodles. I'm not having anything to do with them.

There will be no more lying to me. No more treating me like crap when dads not home and kissing my ass when he is, and no more distroying my property. Till further notice I'm just the Nanny. I'm not paid to socialize or deal with out of control brats!


frustratedinMA's picture

You could return the favor and break something of theirs. See how they like it.

I have a coworker that actually took her son's super soaker and stomped it to pieces right in front of him for breaking something of hers. It wasnt an accident. Lets just say, when he realized he was going to be losing stuff, tit for tat, he didnt purposely try to break her stuff, and he was sure to be extra careful in the house so as to not accidentily break something either.

Dreamer's picture

SD12 distroyed some of SD11's stuff in one of her many fits. I told her to chose and break something of SD12's. DH got mad and said it was a negative answer to a negative problem. Instead he told SD11 she could have something of SD12's to keep. Then two weeks later he got pissed at SD11 for fighting over a toy with SD12. He said it was SD12's. I reminded him he told her she could have it and he said "Oh well" and walked off letting SD12 keep it.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

frustratedinMA's picture

God lord. You are in such a no win situation. I thought that you were going to be able to work now and HE was going to have to stay home w/the precious duo.

Make sure you have that secret bag packed and in your car hidden in case you need to get away again. I remember last time that he messed w/the car so you didnt get far.

I am so sorry this is happening to you

Dreamer's picture

Acually I am working but it's slow in the summer I'm at home. I have had two interviews with the deaf school about being a dorm councilor and should be hearing back from them soon. And I've got to start training to be a substitute school bus driver next month. Between the tour buses, school buses, and the dorms I should be VERY busy starting in August. I've openned my own checking account too! It's "my" money! I plan on paying the internet, phone, and cable bill. Plus I'll help with groceries since I eat here too, but other than that I'll never tell him how much money I have.

As for the bag... I never unpacked the suitcase from the last time! It's sitting by the bedroom door ready to go! I also had the oil tech show me were the spark plugs are incase he pulls them again. And the tech told me a green piece of branch will work in a pinch.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

doglover1's picture

Although i know i would not watch skids any more. I have told my SD that she must ask for something of mine rather than take. She used to go in my room and just help herself. Not any more!! Stick to your guns!!

evilsm's picture

I could have written your blog myself several weeks ago. I have just given up. I told my DH that he will have to make his own mistakes like the rest of us have raising our kids and that it is just not worth fighting over. I am not willing to let his lack of parenting ruin our marriage. We are not going to be on the same page with discipline, it will never happen, he has too much guilt and I have exactly 0.

Only advice; don't let the skids see you guys disagree over them it only pits both your DH and the skids against you. I agree that you need to stand your ground and be respected in your own home, and you have made your point well but don't give them the satisfaction of thinking that they are making you miserable.


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

Evil2thebone's picture

and denies she did it. She told DH that it was fun going through his wallet....HELLO! she has no business in his wallet and he does nothing to stop it. I wish I would catch her going through my purse....all hell would break lose in that house!

Very sneaky about stealing things too...I don't know she does it until I go to her room when she isn't around and find my stuff. Pisses me off and when I tell DH about it he says she is taking little things to get closer to me. WHATEVER!