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I'm tired and VERY annoyed!

Dreamer's picture

It used to be easier switching sleeping schedules when I was younger. Not anymore, so I've been trying to stay up late in preperation for my new 3rd shift job that starts August 1. I'm getting better with NO help from DH and the SDemons.

Last night I stayed up till 3:30 AM and went to bed. Well at 6:30 DH woke me up and asked if I planned on staying in bed all day. And told me I HAD to be a Georgia Power when it opened or they would cut off our power. Geez I wonder why? Hummm... lets see.... He never took care of BM and kept paying CS till the end of June..., he's not planning on doing anything to get back the money she was overpaid..., he's not planning on having her pay CS at all..., He and his kids don't know how to turn a light off..., They are all eating us out of house and home (and I'm the "fat" one! I eat less than ALL of them!), and DH has to keep spending money at Lowes to "fix" things on a home we don't own instead of calling the landlady! We don't have money to pay any of the bills and are having to buy the girls alot of school clothes b/c BM never bought them anything. Plus all the school supplies. Everyone here knows its not cheap to raise a kids and it even worse on one paycheck.

And DH loves to throw it in my face that I'm not working. I remind him that "I" quit working to care for "his" kids. I also remind him that I could have had three different jobs by now if it wasn't for his kids too. And that they are also the reason I didn't get the school bus job either!

I'm sorry I'm rambling. I'm just tired and the Power Office doesn't even open till 9am! Asshole! Probably was really pissed b/c I didn't get up with him this morning and fix his lunch for him.


SerendipitySM's picture

Dreamer, I'm sorry that things are so hard for you right now. It really seems like you are in a no win situation. How did your SD make you lose the new job you were getting?

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Dreamer's picture

Training is this week from 9am till 5pm. I can't find anyone to watch the girls b/c I can't trust SD12 not to flip out on anyone young and I can't find a older person who can do it. Plus SD12's court date is Thursday and it can't be rescheduled.

~Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns~