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Feel betrayed Part 2

Dudes Mom's picture

So we sat the sk down to have a chat as to why we feel they shouldnt move to BM.
SD18 told us that she doesnt want to go and stay with BM anymore as she always thought that the day she moves it will be into her own place and she cant see why she should try to be there for BM as BM was never there for her. and since she only finishes her studies in 3 years time, she will be staying with us for atleast another 4 years. I am very happy about this

On the other hand SS24 said that he will be moving to his mom, and then for the first time ever he said to me I must please just realise that I am not his mother and this conversation is suppose to be between his dad and him. So DH said to him, that he one of the ugratefull people he knows and as he is already an adult he will be treated as such. When he moves to BM that is it, he will not be allowed to move back. He is more than welcome to come and visit from time to time but that is that. Then the little shit came to me this morning to ask if he can borrow money. So my reply was, As I am not your mother I feel it is best if this question will be asked to your BM and dad.

Regarding that BM wanted the childhood photo's and things, I went out of my way to scan them in and put them all on a couple of CD's for my skids to do with as they please.
DH told the ss that his furniture is to stay with us but if he really want to take this with he can buy this from us.


Dudes Mom's picture

Hi Kat.
I feel much better now that we actually had a chat to the kids. I still feel sad about ss moving but he is a grown man and I suppose he can do what he wants.'
Well I actually started a couple of month ago to scan in everything just to make sure that we have copies should anything happen to the originals, so it wasnt so much just for them.
I am just very thankfull that my hubby an me were on the same page regarding this whole thing.

How are you?

Dudes Mom's picture

Sunny Sa is sunny. We are having a lovely day, think the max temp today is 30degrees.
Cant send you biltong, I only have drywors I think it is Impala meat.