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Anyone else feel like its a competition???

dysfunctional in va's picture

Im New here and must say I am relieved I am not the only person in the world that dislikes the stepkid. I am so thankful that I can vent to people who will understand. I have 3 bio kids, bs18, lives on his own, bd12 and bs11. Then the nightmare that comes every other weekend, ss almost 11, but acts like he is 3. The SS went back to bm last night, so im able to leave my room. He talks like a baby to my husband, cant brush his own hair, gets away with everything and is a spoiled brat. I try to be close to him and create a bond but his head is stuck up daddy's ass. He sits on his dads lap, he weighs over 110 lbs. My kids aren't perfect, but they get good grades, never get in trouble in school and help with house chores without being asked. SS gets horrible grades, got kicked off the bus last year and his desk was smack up against the teachers desk because he couldn't shut hidmouth and distracted the other kids. But, nothing was done about it...blame was put on the teacher WTF???
I have tons of other things to bi*tch about, and I will :)...later. it seems that its become a competition between bio kids and stepson..does any one else deal with this?? By competition...I mean if I buy my kids something they live with me full time, ss has to get same thing, only better...even if he has one at his bm house.
Thank you to whoever created this site...and God bless all the step moms!!!


Willow2010's picture

...blame was put on the teacher WTF???
LOL..yup. There are probably over 3 teachers that were blamed for SS being a screw up in school.

OH MY..edit to add. That was a should have said 30 teachers. NOT 3. And that is may even be a low figure.

dysfunctional in va's picture

SS has no discipline by DH(guilt) or of course its the teachers fault! Ugh's picture

Yes to the competition! Sometimes it seems that DH is always bitching about my bio kids not doing this or that, blah. If they dare to forget to do the dishes (which I do fuss at them for, and if they forget they have to do them the next two days) or whatever it may be, he's right there telling me how to parent (never mind I've been a parent a lot longer than him). But if I dare say a word about his precious princesses not doing something it's all excuses (they're little!) and I need to stop riding their butts about it. Apparently 7 and 9 is too little to clean up their messes and take of the rabbit BM dumped on us that I was never consulted about. And I hate how they're allowed in our room, day or night, whenever they please and never have to knock if the door is closed because he wants them to feel "like they have a home with him too".

dysfunctional in va's picture

Same at my house and my kids sure do notice!! Its so aggregating!! My kids get fussed at for little shit to. My daughter got a D on her report card last year and was made to read for an hour a day and lost her phone, I support that, but SS got D's and F's and got talked to about how smart he is and how he can do better if he tried .blah blah. Little shit kept his phone though. DH doesn't want to spend all his weekend punishing him...God forbid. My daughter quickly brought the grade up and now has A,B and one C. Hate how rules change for SS.

dysfunctional in va's picture

"Talked" to must be the common thing for DH's to do... of course only when it comes to skids Murder in the trash can..lmao. that is way worse than the pee... :sick: