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Update from cat hell

edgeofadream's picture

It's been a while but the only thing that happened until recently was that SS hasn't come over after his 2 ER visits. BM said it was because they had a lot of holiday stuff going on every weekend and my DH never makes waves when she doesn't send him.

I guess DH talked to BM last night and she is going to 'allow' SS to come for visits again. That is highly suspicious that she has only been trying to dictate our house. If this were my kid, I would stand my ground if I really thought it was bad allergies.

She is acting like nothing happened. DH did tell her that we can't just get rid of the cat without some more testing and planning back in November. She got mad and then did the 'we are too busy for holidays' no visit time but now everything is fine?

I don't buy it. Something is off here.

I am so glad we didn't panic and lose the cat. That would have been devastating.


edgeofadream's picture

Yes. He was able to pick up SS on Christmas Eve and take him to his parents place for their dinner. But SS didn't come to our house at all. He is supposed to have Christmas Eve/day every other year.

DH is supposed to have EOWend but that hasn't happened since the ER week.

melissa325i's picture

"That's the thing these mommy dearest types don't get; often the frantic drama and tall tales they spin in this game they play Turns around and bites them in the ass..."

Step parent Quote of the year....
Smile Smile Smile

Acratopotes's picture

WE all told you BM is talking crap and trying to control your house....

no matter what happens, you will not get rid of DD's cat.... they all can suck on eggs.