Why is it that BM's husband is "step-dad" and i'm when the skid's are talking to other people about me. Example my SD10 was talking to her step-cousin about our religious beliefs saying "i'm (insert religion here) and so is my mom and so is , my Step-dad is (insert religion here) and my dad is (insert religion here).
I don't understand WHY i'm not "my step-mom" WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! I have been her fkin step-mom for over 7 years!!!!!! I'm the one who taught her how to speak without a lisp, I'm the one who took care of her when she had strep throat,I'm the one who treated her head lice and picked all the nits out her super thin fine hair!!! I'm the one who got her involved with summer camps!!! I'm the one who arranged for FREE babysitting after school and all summer long after we had to move away. (before we moved I WAS THE BABYSITTER)I'm the one who took her out of the crappy preschool and got her in one where they actually spoke English! I'm the one who took her to the doctor for all her shots before we could register her for school. I'm the one who picked her up from school every time she was sick, and the time she jumped in the mud puddle and got soaking wet and muddy!!!! I'm the one who got her pedisure to drink when she was not growing and malnourished when I first got involved in her life. I have been more of a mother to her than her own mother yet i'm and BM's husband is "my step-dad" WTF!!!! This is so much bullshit! Why do the BM's have to be such bitches! Don't they know that in our homes WE ARE THE MOM'S???? We deserve the same damn respect that the step-dads get. We do a hell of a lot more for them than a step-dad!!!
Also what kind of a mother let's a 10 year old child have uncensored access to Netflix on there Kendall???? GOD I HATE THAT BITCH!!!!
Sorry long rant, Just so tired of being treated like I don't matter!
- Emerald's blog
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I'm with tog on this one. EG
I'm with tog on this one. EG (Egg Donor) told SS12 (when he was 6) that I wasn't his mother, I wasn't his stepmother - I was just his dad's girlfriend. Too bad for her SS12 really took offense to that. He was upset that his mother tore down the label he had for me. He says - "She's my stepmom!" with great pride. Luckily for me - he is a Daddy's boy. And I am in Daddy's camp, so I get preferential treatment!!
I don't really know how to approach it if BM is manipulating her into diminishing the role you ACTUALLY play in her life. Honestly, honey - remember this - it is JUST a name. It is just a label. You know in your heart what you've done for her. And you know that even though she may not label you as such (again, I am SURE pressure from BM), she also knows in her heart how much you have done for her. My SS12 says my first name with love. He utters "Mom" and throws up at little in his mouth... so in this scenario - who would you rather be?!! Exactly, darling. 
haha ty that was great =)
haha ty that was great
Maybe she doesn't want to
Maybe she doesn't want to call you step mom, because you are so much more, and you're not evil like the stereotypes, but she can't call you mom because that would hurt BM, so she doesn't know what to call you.
she calls me mom or mommy
she calls me mom or mommy when referring to me directly. but you are right about the BM going off with her and forcing her to call me by name with her. thank you all for the advice, i think i get it now, she is forced so hard to call me by name with BM she calls me by name with others. I will get that book!!
THERE YOU HAVE IT, sister!!!
THERE YOU HAVE IT, sister!!! It isn't about your SD at all... It's about BM and her lack of brain cells, confidence, self esteem.
Thank you all I feel much
Thank you all I feel much better now, I will try and not stay away again 2 long