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Bad influences on SS

emmalee05's picture

Hello everyone,
I am hoping by putting this out there that someone will have some good insight into my problem, or maybe have had experience dealing with the same type of thing. Here it goes:
My amazing BF has had a trouble past but has gotten over it by the time I came into his life. The thing is these "friends" (he calls them acquaintences) still venture in and out of his life just because they grew up together and he "can't just ditch them". Now he has a son (age 5) that from the very beginning of his life has had these people trapse in and out of his life too and has personally witnessed drugs, smoking, drinking, swearing, etc. The "friends" are not always around but when they are,my BF has no problem bringing his son around that. He tells them to watch their language around me and not do the drugs and i appreciate that because I grew up around non-druggies and am uncomfortable with that sort of lifestyle. I get away when I can to not associate myself with them as much as i can. now i'm not trying to sound like I think i'm better than these people, but I do have standards and morals and to be honest I don't want to surround myself with these kinds of people. Now I know that my BF's son is his to parent and raise up but I'm concerned and worried about how this will affect him. I would want better for my own kids and surround them with likeminded people of good influence that will shape them to be better people. I'm not sure how to bring this up with my BF.


RustyHalo's picture

Period. My FH has friends that smoke weed. FH used to do it a long time ago, but HE grew up. Sometimes, they would come over and hang out in the detached garage. The kids are free to come and go. Before me, the friends would go behind the garage and "smoke." Since I came into the picture - I made this rule: Absoulutely no smoking anything when the kids are here. They're not here EVERYDAY, so when they are here - go somewhere else. When they're not here, come on over, but you still have to go outside the garage. I don't use drugs and I hate the smell of that crap. FH totally agreed with me on this one. On the days when your BF's son is around - NO DRUGS. That's it.

******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******

stepoff's picture

5thwheel, you got it. It's a fact that kids' memories start at the age of 3, so if his son has been witnessing this, he'll remember it from age 3 on. That's 2 years of memories of people smoking weed in front of him. Not to mention the second-hand smoke effects and even the possibility of a contact high. Not to mention the fact that his son will get scared when he notices that daddy's in another state of mind. That child should be nowhere near any of that. There's no easy way to bring it up to your BF, just say it.

emmalee05's picture

no my BF doesn't do drugs (as far as I know) anymore...especially around him son. but doesn't the fact that he's constantly around people who do and people that think its just a way of life..won't that make him more acceptable to him? It's just that we grew up around way different groups of people and I'm wondering how much of an affect that will have...