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Went there - failed ... perhaps learn from my mistakes

Emmelina's picture

Went there - failed ..

Fourteen years ago I opened my eyes in a very bright room and in my confused state my eyes fixed on two pretty faces I had never seen before. The youngest girl, the blond girl, I knew was around five years and her sister with hair a touch darker I remembered from somewhere was around seven. Between the two girls, protectively holding each girl close to his side was a man I had recently met and the girls beside him, looking so like him, I knew was his daughters. I - who never got sick was in a hospital bed after a bolt of flu that threw my temperature through the roof. "Decided" he said "that is it time for me to introduce you to my daughters". Now, I wonder, when was it was that I failed as a step mother ? Was it from the first day they met me, deciding together never to accepted me as a partner or wife to their father or was it something I did that gave those two girls power enough to take from me everything that was and still is special to me - my husband and my home. Though this blog, over the next few days I want to share with you my story - perhaps my story will save a marriage.


Emmelina's picture

Echo, thank you for leaving a comment and your words are so true - we are for sure own own harshest critics - but ghosts need to be dealt with and this is what I am doing now. To move forward I need to look long and hard at where I went wrong as a wife and stepmother.

Emmelina's picture

I have had no bad thoughts over the years regarding his timing to introduce me to his daughters. It was his weekend with them - I thought I'd rather have him visiting me with his kids than not visiting me at all. I also remember feeling very special that he had decided to introduce me to his children. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

used up 29's picture

I will be following your story if i can figure out how(im new) i hope i can learn from you because i feel my marriage is in trouble. not because of us but i just have shut down from everything elses. Thank you for your story.

Emmelina's picture

I am also new here and pleased to meet another "newbie" So sad to read that you have a feel that your marriage is in trouble - keep talking to those around you and to some of us on this site - dont shut down - work at "saving" your marriage if you love your husband because the life you know today could be gone tomorrow. Regret is a heavy burden to carry on ones shoulders.