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just talked to dh

enoughisenough2me's picture

he said he went ahead and replaced his phone, paid the car pmt, made the cell pmt, and still has enough to pay the taxes on the house and might have a job. he said while he was in the cell store he over heard that they were hiring, and he put in an application, and the clerk told the district manager "i think this guy has what we need" so he might have an interview Tuesday-personally-i'm still out the door because he's been unemployed for almost 3 years, and over half will get garnished until his cs is corrected which he has to have money to pay the attorney to take care of that, and *I* am not going to "double" support sd14-support her in my house hold and him still have to pay support because he can't afford the attorney to get that fixed.


DeeDeeTX's picture

Good for you for sticking to your guns.

I often think some users have a sixth sense, and they sense when you're about to kick them to the curb, they step it up just enough so you think they've changed, and feel guilty for kicking them to the curb, etc.

enoughisenough2me's picture

exactly, only i'm just staying til school for dd is done, then i'm looking to leave