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update on me

enoughisenough2me's picture

i don't know what i've updated you guys on so i'll just update. i think i posted that i had to get a restraining order last. the default didn't go through because he showed up and asked judge for mediation :sick:

well, through attorney, xh and i scheduled for me to return the xbox, and get my premaritial stuff...well, intuition kicked in, i called the local police to verify all was it wasn't. he never intended to leave, had i shown up, i would've been arrested. so i decided fuck em

so after court attorney and i met up, i told her to tell him that i'll give him the damn xbox but not to give to him until he signs the papers so he does and gets the xbox (i wouldn't go around him at all-nada). so he did, took the xbox then a week later he e-mails her, "did you as enough where the missing cord is and the controler she failed to provide?" :? so i responded "he got everything he needs to my knowledge and the xtra controller is MINE it was not a package deal with the we just prayed that the next court date would go through smoothly.

which it did, we had court yesterday he COULD'VE shown up and requested to revoke having the waiver removed. but he didn't show up, and i am now divorced and free to move on. getting that done, got my get up and go to get up and go. i got more done that same day (including getting my social security card taken care of because i'm going back to my maiden name).

other than that, next week i'm being tested for cervical cancer, i'm back in touch with my dad and the pregnancy is going well (i was able to get divorced being pregnant cause it wasn't his)

so that's what i've been doing
