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New Here!!! I Can Write A much DRAMA!!!

enuff is enuff's picture

:jawdrop: I really don't know where to began. I'm the SM of SS11 and BM of two of my own. SS and BM is off the meat!
I've been through it all you name happened.


Broken Blue Crayon's picture

Just start venting . . . You'll feel better once you do and I guarantee there will be somebody on here that's gone/going through something similar to what you are and can commiserate.

young stepmother of two's picture

Agreed.. vent sister!

Since I joined, I have felt much better.

Some stories make me feel lucky (skids that hate their sm's) and some make me feel sad (bm's that actually WORK with the sm.. which is FEW and FAR BETWEEN here.. but happens). But all of the stories make me feel better, and the feedback lets me know I'm not alone in my feelings!